Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter11 pt 2:

I waited and waited, still nothing. Andy was all alone and scared. I waited for another hour or so then I fell into a coma-like sleep only dreaming of one person.

"Huh??" I awoke with a start. Someone had grabbed my shoulder. I turned around to see Shaun's face a few centemeters away from mine.

" Where is he?" Shaun looked upset, like he'd been crying.

" Hes in the operation room." I looked past Shaun and saw Bradie standing at the entrance halding onto the door frame so hard it might break in is hands. I stood and motion'd for Shaun to sit down and I walked over to where Bradie was standing. He looked as though he was hyperventalating.

"Bradie."I whispered. He looked up and turned around,

"Tammy. I.." He looked down, tears welling up in his eyes. "What if I loose him. I can't loose him". I took his hand and led him to where Shaun was sitting and sat him down.

I looked around for any hope, any sign that things where going well. What if we lost him?

I would be lost too.