Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 13 pt 1:

I awoke early the next morning. I had cried myself to sleep and my eyes felt puffy and weird. I got changed and packed a bag full of my things and called a taxi.

The driver took me to the hospital and I asked him to wait outside for me. As I walked through the doors I could see Bradie getting coffee and Shaun talking into his ear laughing, he immediately looked up and smiled at me. He could tell something was wrong so I shook my head as if to say "Leave it, you'll know soon". He understood and turned back to Bradie who was now staring at me too.

I walked down the hall and knocked on the door to Andy's room.

"Yes" He yelled from somewhere inside. I opened the door and walked inside closing it behind me.

"Andy, don't speak. I need to tell you something and its not going to be easy" I cleared my throat. He stared at me, confused and saddened at the same time.

"I'm leaving Andy." His eyes widened and he was lost for words.

" My taxi is outside. You have to be here, with your fans, with Bradie and Shaun.""

"Fuck them!" He chimed in angrilly.

"No Andy, you need them more then you need me. All of my mess nearly got you fucking killed and thats never going to happen again." I turned and ran from the room. Tears streaming from my eyes.

Shaun caught me out front and hugged me.

"Goodbye." he whispered. Then I left. I looked up at Andy's window and saw him staring out at me, his beautiful blue eyes red and watery.

I placed my hand on the window, "Goodbye Andy. I love you"