Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 14 pt 1:

My stomach lurched, I couldn't believe what I was reading.


Short Stack member Andy Clemmensen has announced today that he's through with the band for good.

I looked down, this isnt fair. I left him so he could keep Short Stack. Not destroy it.

I was angry, theres no mistaking that. I packed my things and checked out of the hotel. I sat on the beach and called Shaun who couldn't believe what he'd heard either.

"Look Shaun, you've got to stop him!" I pleaded.

"You'r the only one who can stop him Tammy, he wont talk to any of us.. he found out I knew you where leaving and hes gone on a rampage, not even the fans can get through." He seemed desperate, and I knew once again what I had to do.

"I'll be right there. Is he still at the hospital?"

"No I'm not sure where he is. After you left he checked himself out and we havn't seen him since.""

"Ok. I have a feeling . I'll talk to you later. Bye." I hung up the phone and dialled a taxi. 10 minutes later one arrived and I was on my way home.


I stood in front of the appartment for a while then unlocked the door and went inside. I put my things down on the couch then walked to the bedroom where I found Andy asleep holding his phone open on twitter. I spose thats how he got the word out.

I sat down next to him and placed my hand cautiously on his shoulder, he stirred then oppened his eyes. He sat up and starred at me, pain and confussion once again apparent in his eyes.

"Andy, why did you tell people you where going to leave?"