Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 15 pt 1: Andy’s POV

I eventually fell asleep in Tammy’s arms. She woke me at 10:00am with pancakes and coffee. I was starting to really like the idea of an eternity with Tammy by my side, my queen, my love, My life.

Nothing seemed impossible at this moment. The world was my oyster and my princess lay sleeping inside.

As I slowly snapped back to reality there was a knock on the door. I stared at Tammy and she took my hand, squeezing it tight. The last time someone had visited. It wasn’t a pleasant experience.

“Who.. Who is it?” Tammy called out.

“Its me. Umm Shaun” I laughed, as if I didn’t know that voice. Tammy bounded to the front door and pulled him inside and hugged him. I wasn’t threatened by this, Shaun’s my best friend he would’nt try anything.

“Hey how are you guys?” Shaun asked curiously. I stared at him for moment and let Tammy answer him.

“ We’ve never been better actually. Andy and I are together and Short Stacks well Short Stack again.” She laughed sweetly.

“Yeah. We’re fine” I said walking over to Tammy and hugging her from behind.

“Cool, well I have to go but I’ll drop in with Bradie tomorrow ok.”

“Yeah cool. Seya Shaun” Tammy and I waved goodbye and Shaun was gone. I turned to face Tammy and kissed her lightly, licking her lips. She pulled my face closer and she jumped up onto my hips. I pulled her longingly closer and pushed her up against the wall making her squeal. I carried her into the bedroom and closed the door behind us.


I awoke starving so I wandered into the kitchen to find Tammy making kebabs. She stood there in a robe singing Baby and dancing around. I stood and stared at her, she was so perfect, she was so innocent. I couldn’t help it. I cracked up laughing and scared the shit out of her making her scream and drop to the ground in fright.

I laughed and pulled her up.

“Nice dancing.” I smiled.

“Shut up Andy” she growled. I wrapped my hands around her stomach and pulled her close to me, kissing her neck.

“Aw. Don’t be that way.” I whispered into her neck, I could hear her un-even breathing and smiled. Just like the first day we met.