Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 15 pt 2 : Andy’s POV : The Day we met.

I was fifteen when I first saw Tammy, She was one of the poplars’ and I was... Well I wasn’t. She was the new girl, she walked into my Science class and I knew right then and there I had to have her. She was so beautiful with her long brown hair and bright blue eyes. She looked like a model and I had often tried to ask her if she was… of course her new found friends told her I was trouble, and she stayed away.

The first day we spoke was in English. She was pared up with me for a reading and writing assignment and she quite often found me staring at her. The first thing she ever said to me was.

“Um sorry but do you have a fucking problem?” I remember just laughing and choking out a quiet “No”.

We arranged to meet at my house after school to study. She was intrigued with my taste in music and of course my brother. I had warned Bradie not to tell her anything about me. But of course he had followed her from our house to the bus stop and told her everything bad I had ever done.

I nearly killed him.

The next day she came up to me and asked if I wanted to see a movie with her. I was thrilled!

That was our first date.

She had told me she wanted to see me more often so we started hanging out after school everyday. She even came to Short Stack band practices. It got to the point where we had both madly fallen in love with each other and decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Her friends didn’t approve and had told her it was them or me.

Tammy let go of my hand and walked over to the group of tall teenage girls with perfect hair and manicures and spat at their feet.

“Fuck off then you fucking wannabe’s” I never forgot that day.

We spent every day of school together after that. We had an argument about a month after school ended and we broke up for 4 months. They where torture.

That was when she met heath. He was a seemingly nice guy, good looking, nice body, money. But when she said enough’s enough, he flipped and freaked. She went on the run for a while and shortly after we started dating again. Heath payed me a visit. He told me if I ever went near Tammy again, he would kill us both. I broke up with her, she was heart broken and tried to kill herself . We where soon re-united.

And here we are. Lying in eachothers arms.

Heath will never win.