Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 16 pt 2: Andy’s POV

The day rehearsing with Shaun and Bradie went well, I remembered everything and we even went over some new songs and chords. I invited Bradie and Shaun back to mine for lunch and we were making our way back with fish and chips. Shaun was driving.

We arrived at the house and got out. I stretched my legs and jogged on the spot for a moment. I was just about to speak when I heard a menacing scream of my name coming from inside. I dropped everything I was carrying and rand up the path and in the front door, quickely followed by Shaun and Bradie.

We stood there in shock at what we were seeing. I ran forward and kicked Heath in the face as hard as I could. As soon as we’d opened the door heath had seen us and started to retreat when Tammy kicked him in the nuts. I pulled her up off the floor and noticed Shaun calling the police while Bradie was holding heath down.

I walked into the bedroom and lay Tammy down on the bed, examining her and her damage. She was shaking and I could see her fly was undone. Heath wanted more then just her.

I hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear.

“ Its going to be alright. Heaths never gonna come back again. I promise”. I stared into her eyes. She was crying and shaking uncontrollably.


The police arrived 10 minutes later and took Heath. They questioned Tammy, Bradie, Shaun and I then went on their way. I sat with Tammy for a while then went to say goodbye to Shaun and Bradie and thank’d them for helping.

I ran Tammy a hot bath and we sat together in the soapy water talking about what had happened. It was lucky we got to her when we did otherwise he could have done something much worse then scare her.

Heath was gone and we where together again. What could go wrong now?