Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 17 pt2:

I lay in bed thinking. I rolled over and stared at Andy’s sweet face calm and peacefully sleeping. I climbed quietly out of bed and closed the door on my way out into the lounge. It was 2:12am and I sat on the couch mindlessly staring at the inane tv show I’d been watching before bed. I couldn’t concentrate on anything and all I kept thinking about was what Shaun had said to me yesterday. I really needed to talk to someone and he seemed to be the only one willing to listen at the moment.

I took my phone off the bench and dialed his number, I listened to the dial tone for a few seconds before a gravelly tired voice spoke on the other side.

“Hello”. Shaun sounded half dead and I felt bad for waking him up.

“Um hey Shaun its Tammy, I’m so sorry for waking you up but I was just wondering if you would like to come for a drive with me?”.

“Yeah sure I’ll be there soon” the line went dead.

I pulled a jumper over my pajamas and sat out the front next to the curb and waited for Shaun. He arrived a few minutes later, fully dressed and scruffy looking. I stood and got into the car, we drove to the beach and sat staring out at the ocean wordlessly for a while.

“Shaun, I needed to talk to you about something.” He stared deep into my eyes and I could feel the tension.

“ Shaun, I… I think I might be…”. He cut me off midsentence, placing on finger lightly on my lips. He took it away and leant forward and took my face in his hands.

“ Shaun what are you….?” His lips crushed against mine with such passion I couldn’t resist. My tongue molded perfectly with his and we where caught in a fiery passion. Within a second I was in his lap and clothes where all over the place.

My breathing intensified greatly and I was forced to remember what I’d left at home. The man I loved and cherished. The man who helped me through everything.

The man who impregnated me.