Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 18 pt 1:

I got home around 3:00am. Shaun dropped me off outside and muttered a small goodbye through the window. I only stared.

I walked inside to find Andy sitting on the couch watching TV, he looked up when I entered.

“Where were you?” He asked shocked. I looked at the ground for a second then stared into Andy’s eyes. He knew as soon as he’d seen my face.

“You were with Shaun weren’t you?” He stood and leant against the wall, hands over his face. I didn’t dare talk to him at this moment, I knew he was crying and I didn’t want to make him feel worse. I sat down on the couch and waited until he was ready to speak about what had happened.

We stayed like that for over an hour until he had calmed down and sat next to me.

“What happened?” He asked cautiously.

“ I asked Shaun to meet me. I needed to talk to someone, he was there and I wasn’t feeling … well I wasn’t feeling myself.” I looked at my hands then continued. “I tried to talk and he kissed me… we only kissed.” He looked into my eyes.

“I understand what your feeling… I do. But this!?” His voice got harsh and his hands balled into tight fists. I replayed what he’d said in my head. How did he know what I was feeling? Anger built up inside and I savagely let it loose.

“How the fuck do you know how I’m feeling hey?” I yelled and stood up, walking to the other side of the room. I knelt against the wall and hid my face in my hands.

“What do you mean by that?” He retorted. I looked at him from across the room, staring deep into his eyes. My face started to turn red and tears invaded my eyes. I slid down the wall letting myself land quietly on the floor. He walked over to me and he knew I was hiding something from him.

“ What did you mean?” He questioned kneeling down in front of me placing his hands on my shoulders.

“I umm. I didn’t mean anything by it.” I whispered lightly, shrugging his hands off my shoulders and turning away. He pulled my face back towards his and pressed his forehead lightly to mine whispering softly.

“What did you mean?” he asked quietly. I knew I couldn’t hide this forever so I decided to tell him the truth. I took a deep breath in.

“I’m pregnant” He immediately moved his face away from mine and stared into my eyes.

“Is it mine?” He asked. I could hear the pain in his voice.

“Yes.” I whispered back. I could instantly see the relief in his eyes and I relaxed a little inside.

Andy stood and walked into the kitchen, he sat on the bench and let his legs hang off the edge. Every now and then I noticed his eyes on me and I started to feel nervous and under pressure. I stood and walked past Andy and into the bathroom. I stripped the layers of clothes off and stepped into the cool shower. Within seconds I felt Andy’s hands wrap around my waist and I immediately felt calm and safe.

“I don’t care what you did. I understand.” He whispered into my ear. But I could hear the pain in his voice and it killed me inside to know that I’d hurt the best thing in my life and I couldn’t stop the consequence.