Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 19 pt 1: Bradie’s POV

I awoke screaming. Something was wrong with Andy, I could feel it.

I crawled out of bed and got dressed. I ran downstairs and out the door getting in my car. I drove for 15 minutes and ended up at Andy and Tammy’s house. Andy was sitting on the front steps, hands over his face shaking.

I turned off the car and rushed to Andy’s side. He looked up when he heard me coming. His face was completely red. I sat down next to him and put my arm around his shoulders.

“What happened Andy?” I asked cautiously. He looked up into my eyes and I instantly knew. I pulled my arm away and walked inside yelling for Tammy. She was no where to be seen.

“You won’t find her…” I turned around. Andy was right behind me.

“You won’t find her” He repeated.

“Where is she Andy?” I breathed, getting nervous.

“She left me… “He sat on the couch and froze in the same position as before. He fell asleep half an hour later and I carried him to his bedroom and lay him down. I closed the door behind me and took my phone from my pocket. I dialed Shaun’s mobile and stood outside.


“Shaun, is she with you?” I asked urgently… there was a pause.

“Who?” He asked innocently.

“Tammy, is she with you?” I asked getting a little angry.

“No… I haven’t seen her since… since that night.” He sounded truthful so I told him what happened with Andy and if her saw her to call me. I hung up and went back inside and sat on the couch. I turned the TV on and waited.

Around 2 hours later Andy woke screaming her name. I’ve never seen him in this much pain.