Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter2 part 2

I thought about what Andy will think when he finds out I'm dead, I hope hes sad, I hope he dies inside. I never realised how much I loved him until he said goodbye to me. In those few words my life had broken open and I had been left with no choice.

The water around me engaulfed me further into the deep, making my head ache from the pressure. The pain was competely unbearable and I started to struggle my way to the surface, sucking in litres of water on my way.

Death was near I could feel it. Pain like this wasn't suppost to be real. I couldn't breath and my whole body was tired. I looked upwards toward the surface and saw a light. A light full of hope and new beggining.

My head rose ubove the water and I just stopped there, bobbing lightly on the surface, catching my breath and staring into the beyond.
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a little bigger