Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 19 pt 2: Shaun’s POV

I’m pretty sure Bradie knew I was lying, And I was even more sure that he wouldn’t mention any of this to Andy.

I turned from the window and stared at Tammy, lying asleep on the couch, hands cupping her stomach. I wish it was mine.

I sat at the end of the couch and watched Tammy sleep for a while then I picked her up and took her into my bedroom placing her limp body lightly on the bed. She opened her eyes slightly and smiled sweetly at me then went back to sleep. I got into bed next to her and held her in my arms until I fell asleep too.

I opened my eyes, Tammy was still asleep and I squirmed out of her grip and walked down the hallway into the kitchen. I put the kettle on and sat on the bench waiting for it to boil.

I made myself a coffee and went and sat on the couch turning the TV on. I watched the news and then changed it to [V]. At around 10:30 Tammy walked into the lounge and sat next to me quietly. I looked at her, she seemed happy but as I knew all to well, that wasn’t always the case.

“Hey, how are you this morning?” I asked, staring into her eyes.

“I’m alright, I just feel a little sick at the moment.” She answered, staring back at me.

“Morning sickness” I guessed. She nodded in reply. I put my arms around her and she squeezed me tightly against her. I kissed her on the cheek then stood and walked into the kitchen. She followed closely behind.

“Do you want anything?” I asked pointing the edible things out to her.

“Sure, I think I can find something though” She said laughing.

I went and sat back down while she made herself some toast and tea. That reminded me of Bradie. I picked my phone up off the arm of the couch and texted Bradie.

Hey, I was just wondering how Andy was.

He replied quickly with.

Yeah, he’s been better. He barely slept last night. And when he did sleep he dreamt of Tammy. I don’t know what to do with him, I can’t leave him alone.

I thought for a moment. I don’t think there was anything he could do but wait.

Sorry, I have no idea.

Tammy came walking out of the kitchen and sat down next to me eating a piece of toast. She smiled at me and for a second I thought of telling Bradie she was with me. Andy was getting destroyed over this and I felt responsible.

We sat around and did nothing for the rest of the day. I texted Bradie at 8:00pm to check in on Andy. Nothing had changed. Andy was still not eating, talking or sleeping and I had to tell Bradie that Tammy was staying with me. I quickly texted him and told him not to tell Andy anything.

I awoke at 3:15 in the morning to loud banging on the door. I stood and walked over to the window and looked out. Andy was standing outside yelling. I turned and looked at Tammy , she was standing behind me shaking.

I followed Tammy downstairs into the kitchen. She started opening all the drawers trying to find something. I was about to ask when she pulled out a long knife and walked past me to the door. I tried to grab her hand but she slipped out of my reach.

She opened the door a crack just as Andy went to kick it open. She went flying into me and we both fell onto the floor. Pain shot through my body and Andy pulled her off of me, he was about to punch me when his face turned scared and he backed away. I looked down, the knife Tammy had been holding was sticking out of my stomach and blood was oozing out allover the floor.

Tammy looked up and saw what she’d done. She ran to my side and and carefully pulled the knife out. I breathed in deeply, blood started to trickle from my mouth and my vision blurred. Tammy cupped my head in her hands and started screaming. The pain started to numb and I could just make out Andy’s figure moving closer towards me. I felt his hand on mine and heard a faint whisper.

“Please don’t go”.