Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 20 pt 2:

I stared out the window and into the heart of the ocean. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. So pure and full of peace and serenity, I longed to be apart of that world once again.

“Tammy”, I heard Shaun’s voice calling me from somewhere behind me. I turned, there he was. Standing in the hallway smiling wildly, I ran towards him and melted into his arms. He kissed me sweetly and I fell in love all over again. I never thought that it’d be easy seeing Shaun again after what had happened. But it wasn’t hard it was such a natural feeling being held in his arms.

He looked past me and out the window.

“The ocean is beautiful isn’t it?” He smiled then led me down the hallway to stand in front of the window.

“Yeah it is.” I said holding my hand out to the window then letting it fall limply back to my side. He took my face in his hands and rubbed my cheek softly.

“Andy was looking for you” He whispered softly. I pulled back and stared at him for a second.

“You saw him? I thought you wouldn’t have wanted to?”

“Nah… it’s all good. We sat down and had a talk about everything and he agreed to let you do whatever you want.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. But inside I was struggling to contain the harsh pain I was feeling.

“Thanks” I whispered, just as Andy entered the room.

“Hey.” I greeted him calmly and Shaun excused himself.

“I need to talk to you…” He came and stood next to me and took my hand.” I want you to know I’m so sorry for everything and that I’m going to be here for this baby and you.”

“Thank you…Do you know where Shaun went?” I whispered. Everything went black and I no longer felt Andy’s presence.

“Goodbye… We’ll see you soon my angel.” Shaun’s voice filled my ears. A tear rolled down my cheek and I sat up straight. I was lying in Shaun’s bed hugging his pillow, it smelled like him and that gave me peace inside.

I got out of bed and started walking down the hallway. I heard people talking in the lounge and the TV blaring.

“Singer Shaun Diviney of Band Short Stack has been pronounced dead”

My legs gave way beneath me and I toppled to the floor. Bradie and Andy came running out into the hallway. I looked at their tear soaked shirts and red faces and carefully stood. They reached out their hands to me and I beat them away, running past them both and out the front door.

I stumbled out into the street and ran across the road to the beach. I could hear Bradie and Andy following closely behind.

I ran though the thick sand and stopped just on the shore line staring out into the glistening waves. I turned and saw Andy and Bradie a while behind so I started slowly walking through the water until it was shoulder height.

I would never forget Shaun, Andy or Bradie. And I would never forget what they’d done for me. I touched my stomach and felt nothing. I had lost the baby when I fell onto Shaun, it was a little boy. No one else knew except for me. I struggled to hold back the tears I could feel surging up inside my heart.

I took in a deep breath and took one last look at the beauty about to engulf me. I held my stomach and prayed I would see them both soon. I closed my eyes and dived deep into the watery depths thinking of the moment I would get to hold my baby in my arms and kiss his sweet head.

Death didn’t want me yet.