Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction


The sun starts to set over the ocean, making the water glisten a beautiful shade of blue. And the only thing I can think of are Andy's eyes, his beautiful blue eyes.

I have to get to land. I have to see Andy.

I looked around, nothing. The water seemed to be getting colder and colder until my teeth started to chatter and I decided to swim to my right. My whole body ached and my breath was uneven, but I kept swimming in a desperate attempt to find land.

After what seemed like hours, I began to see a coastline and I instantly relaxed. My eyes began to close and I slipped into unconciousness, only to be pulled out of the water by two strong hands.

"Miss are you alright?"

"Miss we need to no if you can hear us?''

I slowly opened my eyes, two large men were nelt over me, staring curiously. I sat up suddenly.

" Miss are you alright?" one of the men yelled, as I took off running down the beach, in a desperate attempt to find out where I was.

I kept running until all my energy was gone and my legs gave way. I lay in the sand for about an hour, to alert to sleep. I looked up at the sky, it was completely covered by bright stars lighting the whole beach.

I stood up, still staring at the sky. I turned around and walked back up the beach to where those men had been, maybe there was a shop nearby.

I found a small corner shop, still open and lit up. I walked up to the door and knocked loudly, a small old lady came hobbling out towards the door slowly and opened it. She noticed my battered state and quickly let me in.

I told her about what had happened and what had driven me to jumping into the ocean, she showed sympathy and let me stay with her for the night. She gave me clothes, food and showed me to a small room where I could sleep.

That night I dreamt about Andy coming to me and telling me he loved me, he told me he had been wrong, he told me he wanted me back.

I awoke with a start, my whole body covered in sweat. Dreams can be cruel, well at least they where cruel to me.
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see its biggerr