Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction


"Andy" I yelled louder and louder waiting for even the slightlest sound or whisper.


"Fuck!".... I heard a loud bang coming from my bedroom. Panic ran through me. I leapt up, ignoring the excrutiating pain. I limped to the bedroom and stared wide eyed at Andy laying in my bed.

"Ummm?" I mumbled.

Andy looked up. "Oh.. hey.. this isnt... well ummm. hm.." I started to laugh and confussion coverred his face.

" Why didn't you answer me when I called you?"..I asked.

"Oh I was in the shower and I heard you just then and I ran out and slipped and yer."

I hadn't notcied before but Andy was just wearing a towel. Nice.

I looked around, feeling a little bit uncomfertable. He got up and walked into the bathroom and got changed. I sat down on the edge of the bed and stretched my legs. Fuck that glass did some damage.

I turned around to see Andy standing in the doorway shirtless. I laughed and stood up.

"I think I'm gonna go have a shower now, there was alot of blood." I stared at his chest for a second then smiled and walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

I undressed quickely and turned the shower on. I stepped in and watched as the water turned red. My body started to sting in places and I figured it was better to wash out the cuts. I bent over and started to wash my legs when I lost my ballance and fell forward, smashing my face against the tiles, letting out a loud scream.

I lay there dazed and limp. I heard a loud banging on the door and Andy's frantic voice. I couldn't make out what he was saying but I called out to him for help.