Sequel: Angel Feather
Status: Complete. I will be starting a sequel sometime soon. But only after I get my other stories caught up. I'm doing one at a time.

The Lake Boy

A girl named Raven is lost in the forest, abandoned and left for dead. She is all alone, until she finds a boy who frequently visits the lake, or at least that's what it looks like. One day, she discovers that she doesn't know the boy as well as she thought she did. She discovers that the boy and and his connection to the lake, is anything but ordinary. And neither, is she.
  1. Who is he?
    He is anything but ordinary...
  2. What are you?
    ...And there is no one like her...
  3. Invasion
    ...Except him...
  4. Late Night Talk
    ...the only one...
  5. Escape!
    ...who could ever...
  6. Valley of the Centaurs
    . . . understand . . .
  7. Sacrifices
    . . . who or what . . .
  8. Life Bonds and Fate's Hand
    . . . she could ever . . .
  9. Myrzyme.
    . . . choose to be . . .
  10. Just A Dream.
    . . . A Demon . . .