Status: Complete

Running Into You

Chapter 1

"Wake up, hoe!" My best friend, Madeline, yelled at me.

It was the day we were transferring to Jameston College in California.

"No!" I yelled back, rolling over.

I heard her stomping through the apartment and walked into my room. Moments later, my blankets were ripped off of me.

"Why must you do this to me?" I muttered, sitting up.

'Cuase we gotta go!!! We don't wanna be late to California!" she yelled.

I smiled. She was right. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Texas with all my heart, but I need a change.

Half an hour later, me and Madeline were sitting in the airport. She was on the phone with Ali, and I was on the phone with Krystina.

"We'll be there in a few hours!" Madeline yelled.

She paused for a while, listening to the reply she received.

"HECK YES! We'll party like...I don't even know!" she screamed.

"Like it's 2012!" I yelled at her. She laughed as Ali finally picked up.

"Guess what?!" I yelled at her, not waiting for the greeting.

"What?" she grumbled. I guess I woke her up from a nap.

"We're about to leave!" I told her excitedly.

As I finished my sentence, a lady's voice came over the louspeaker. "Flight 276 is boarding Flight 276 is boarding"

I leaped up. "I'll be there in a couple of hours," I said hurriedly into the phone and slammed it shut, heading over to security.


Two hours later and I was sitting on one of the benches outside of the airport with Madeline, waiting for Ali and Krystina.

RIght when I picked up my phone to call, Ali's familiar Camaro pulled up in front of us.

"MADDIE! AUDREY!" Krystina yelled, hopping out of the car after it had (barely) stopped.

"Hey!" I yelled, hugging her as Ali came around the car.

"Hey guys! I haven't seen y'all in a while," she said, hugging Maddie.

"Nope. But we're all here now!" I exclaimed happily.

"HECK YES!" Krystina yelled, fist pumping.

"Someone's been watching too much Jersey Shore..." I muttered, smiling.

"I heard that, you know," she glared.

"Heard what?" I asked innocently.

She just looked at me. I smiled and walked over to the trunk of the car to put my bags in.

"Wehre's the rest of y'all's stuff?" Ali asked.

"It's being flown here...Sometime," Megan said, sighing as she put up a bag.


We pulled up to the house about fifteen minutes later.

"Look at our house!" I yelled to Maddie.

It was right on the beach, Krystina and Ali's house on the left.

Acorss the street, there were houses flanked by palm trees.

"I wonder who lives in that one," Maddie said, looking at a particularly grand house down the street a little.

"I don't know," Ali said, popping the trunk. "We've never seen them."

I shrugged, grabbing my bags and opening the door, ready to claim the best room.

"No! I won't let you get the best room!" Maddie yelled, running up behind me.

"YES!" I screamed back, dropping all but one bag and racing up the stairs, Maddie right behind me.

I opened the first door I came to It was the bathroom.

The next door was a bedroom, the door across the hallways was too. When Maddie landed on the top stair, I shrieked and ran into the bigger one, throwing my bag on the bed.

"Victory!" I yelled as Megan grumbled walking into the bedroom across the hall.

"Come on, Maddie. Y'know I love you," I smiled.

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered, walking down the stairs.
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