Status: Complete

Running Into You

Chapter 19

I woke the next morning next to Zack and smiled.

I got up from the bed and stretched. Seeing Zack's room key, I took it, then left to change and retrieve my laptop.

When I came back I had changed and carrying a cup of coffee and my laptop. THe boys were still asleep.

I decided that since I the time to kill, I could take a class.

While I was looking over my Comp 4 stuff, I heard some rustling from across the room.

I looked up as Rian rolled over.

I shrugged and went back to the English stuff I was looking at.

After starting on the work I had to do with that would-have-been-lecture, my phone started to ring.

"Jakc and Jill went up a hill to smoke some marijuanna. Jack got high and dropped his fly and said 'Do you wanna?'" I heard my friends' voices blare from the speakers.

I smiled and picked up the phone.


"Audrey?" Maddie asked.


"Ali is...Missing," Maddie told me.

"WHAT?!" I screeched.

"She's missing! She was in here last night, I remember 'cause we were all talking while you were with Zack. And now she's gone."

"Shit," I muttered.

"What are we gonna do?!" Maddie yelled.

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" I responded, close to tears.

Hearing me, Zack sat up, looking worried.

"WE NEED A PLAN!" Maddie yelled, sniffling.

"I KNOW! BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE CAN DO!" I said, sobbing.

"What's going on?" Zack asked, looking at me.

I shook my head.

"I'm gonna call the police. Get the word out," I told Maddie between deep breaths.

"Okay," she said, still sniffling.

"I'll meet up with y'all ina minute," I responded, hanging up the phone.

I ignored the worried looks from Zack and Rian and dialed 911.

"911. Please state your emerency."

How could that lady sound so calm? My best friend was missing!

"Umm, yes. My friend went missing last night," I told her, trying not to break into tears again.

Zack and RIan's eyes widened.

"How old is she?" the orator asked.

"22," I replied.

"And where are you?" she asked.

"Carson City, Nevada," I responded.

"Alright. I'll do as much as I can. Since your friend is 22, the police can't do much until she's been missing for twenty-four hours," the lady told me.

"Thank you," I said.

"Uh-huh," she replied, then hung up.

I sat down on the bed and Zack scooted up to sit next to me.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Ali went missing," I said, trying not to cry.

"What the fuck?" Rian asked, getting up and grabbing a change of clothes.

"I know," I replied, sighing.

Zack out his arm around me. "It's okay. We'll find her," he told me.

"I hope so," I said, sinking into his side.

Rian took off into the bathroom to change and Zack sat there with me as I cried.

When Rian came back, Zack let go of me and got up to change as well, leaving me siting on the bed, my head in my hands.

"Hey. We WILL find her," Rian said.

I just sat there crying.

"Come on. At least it gives us something to do today!" Rian enthused.

I snorted as Zack emerged from the bathroom.

"Come on. Let's go meet up with your friends," he said, taking my hand and walking out the door, followed by Rian.