Status: Complete

Running Into You

Chapter 20

"AUDREY!" Krystina yelled, running up to me as I stepped in the room. She threw her arms around me and I could tell she'd been crying.

"We're gonna find her," I said, trying tostay strong. "Are you sure she and Jack didn't go somewhere?" I asked.

"Well, when we went to sleep last night, Ali was still in Jack's room, but I'm pretty sure that if Jack was missing, Alex would have told us," Megan said.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS JACK?" Alex yelled, running into the room.

We all looked at eachother.

"Oh, shit," I muttered, pulling out my phone.

I attempted to call her or what felt like the bajillionth time.

"Hello?" she yelled in my ear, over the screaming in the background.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I yelled back.

"Calm yourself. I'm with Jack," she laughed.

"And where the hell is that?" I asked.

She just kept laughing.


"Vegas! Are you ready to party?!" I heard a voice in the background.


Now, everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. Luckily, my friends had stopped crying.

"Of course," she giggled.

"Well you better get your ass back here...NOW!"

"Aww, come on, Audrey. Let us have a honeymoon...At least for a while," she groaned.

"What are you talking about? DID Y'ALL ELOPE?!"

The line went silent.

"ALI!!!" I screamed a couple of times before hanging up.

"They got fucking eloped!" I screamed.

"Oh, shit," Rian muttered.

"One of y'all," I said, pointing to the three guys who had not gone AWOL, "need to get your friend to bring Ali and himself home! Or, just Ali. I don't fucking care. Just get her here!" I yelled.

Rian looked pointedly at Alex and they stepped out of the room.

"Calm down, Audrey," Zack said, walking over to me. "I'm sure she's fine."

"Oh, no. What you don't understand is, she's done this before. I thought she had learned her lesson, but apparently not," I replied.

"Wait. What happened the first time?" Zack asked.

"It ended kind of badly. She was in the hospital for a while," Megan cut in.

"But Jack isn't like that. He would never lay a hand on a girl," Zack assured me.

"I...I understand, but I really don't like the fact she went and did this again. What if she gets in a situation she really can't get out of?" I asked.

"I'm sure she won't. But if she does, she'll have you guys to help her. Everything will be fine," Zack said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I sighed. "I'm gonna go get some coffee. I've been through too much too early," I muttered.

Zack got up and followed me into the elevator.

When we stepped inside, it was empty.

"I'm sorry about freaking out earlier," I told him, wrapping my arms around him.

"I don't know what you're talking about. It was actually cool to know you care that much about your friends," he said, resting his arms on my waist.

I stood on my tiptoes to give him a quick little kiss, but he deepened it.

We didn't notice the elevator doors had opened and someone stepped on until we heard someone cough awkwardly.

We broke apart quickly and turned to see Alex standing there, looking uncomfortable.

I blushed as Zack smiled.

"Sorry, dude," he said, as the elevator opened to the lobby.