Status: Complete

Running Into You

Chapter 3

When we finally got to the door, the line had shrunk considerably. We showed off our ID's and walked in, looking straight at the stage. A sign above it read 'Hollywood Undead performing tonight!'

I looked around, waiting for the show to begin.

When the band stepped on stage, people went wild.

There was screaming, jumping, and signs being held. I stood there with my friends in a corner, listening to the band.


Afterwards while we were walking to the car, Krystina piped up.

"I really like that band!" she enthused.

"They were really good performers," I agreed, unlocking the doors and allowing entry to the car.

Ali and Maddie kept quiet, disgusted looks on their faces.

I rolled my eyes. They had never had a wide musical horizon, and it seems as if that hadn't changed.

When we pulled up to my house, Ali and Krystina walked across the lawn to their house and Maddie walked up the walkway to ours.

I climbed out and locked the car as my eye drifted to the big house down the street.

It now seemed as if someone was inhabiting it, instead of the emptiness being so obvious that even a blind man could see it, as it had been earlier that day.

I shrugged and walked towards the front door, intent on getting some sleep.


I woke up the next morning at 8:30. I had always been the early riser. Always the first up in the mornings.

Once I climbed out of bed, I walked to the big window facing the beach. As I looked out upon the calm blue-green water, I decided to go and sit on the beach.

After changing into my bikini, some Nike fits, and grabbing my iPod, book, and towel, I walked outside and set down my towel a little bit away from the water. I didn't want the tide to unexpectedly wet my towel as I lay there.

About thirty minutes later, I saw this extremely ripped guy cross the sand and get into the water, a surfboard with him. I watched as he paddled out further to get to the waves.

I sat like that for a while. My book lay abandoned in the sand, me just sitting there, watching him as he surfed.

When I saw him start to come back to shore, I hurriedly grabbed my book and lay back, trying to let the book's words grab my attention.

As he passed, I looked up slyly. He was dripping wet, his blonde hair looked brown near the roots, and he walked off, oblivious to me or anyone else.


I walked into the house an hour later after tanning and reading some more.

"We need food!" Maddie yelled at me as I stepped in.

"Okay..." I replied, walking back to my room.

"Nowww," she groaned.

"Go get some!" I told her.

"Audrey! I'm not gonna pick up a random guy on the street. I have to get to know them better!" she said, faking astonishment when she figured out how my statement could be found perverted.

I laughed and shook my head.

"I'll go to the store after I change," I assured her, putting my book down.

"Thanks!" she yelled excitedly, then dashed off and left me to change.


I wandered the aisles of the local supermarket, looking at what sat on the shelves.

After finally remembering Maddie's favorite Pop-Tart flavor, I walked down the aisle, not watching where I was going.

I walked headfirst into another cart.

"Sorry," I said, my face flushing from embarrassment. I looked up and almost melted at the sight of the most beautiful hazel eyes I've ever seen.

"It's okay," he assured me, smiling.

I blushed again.

Why was I acting like this? I'm usually so composed.

He smiled again, probably at the embarrassing shade of tomato red I'm sure my face was turning.

I looked down and tried to manuveur my cart around his as he did the same.

We did that awkward going-in-the-same-direction-as-the-other-person thing, and he laughed.

"Here," he said, a slight smile on his face. He pulled his buggy to the side and allowed me to pass.

"Thanks," I said, looking up again.

He nodded as a guy with brown hair came running up.

"ZACHARY!" he sang. "You have no Pop-Tarts at you house!" The guy then threw two boxes of Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tart in the cart and stepped up happily next to me.

"Why hello!" he said enthusiastically.

"Umm, hi?" I replied, my face screwed up in thought.
He looked very familiar. They both did.

"Alex, leave her alone," the blonde guy, Zachary, said sighing.

"Alex? Gaskarth?" I asked.

The two nodded.

"Which makes you," I said poiting to Zack, "Zack Merrick."

Zack nodded.

"Oh wow," I muttered.

"Fan?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. But my friend...She's obssessed. Run away if you ever come in contact with her," I said, still in shock.

Then my phone began blasting 'Poppin' Champagne' and I blushed, fumbling for it.

"Where are you?" Maddie groaned.

"Buying food like you asked," I replied, looking away from Zack and Alex.

"Well HURRY! I'm hungry," and then a click signaled the end of the call.

"Well, it was nice meeting the two of you. I have to go though, so.." I said, starting to walk away.

"See you around!" Alex called cheerily from behnd me.

I looked over my shoulder and mini-waved as Zack shook his head.