Status: Complete

Running Into You

Chapter 6

Here we all were, at the club that All Time Low would be playing at, an hour and a half early. There were a billion girls standing outside, waiting for us to be let in.

"AUDREY!" I heard someone yell.

I looked to my right and saw a very familiar face, although it was partly covered with a hat.

"Zack?" I asked and the girls around me all turned and locked their eyes on him.

He looked up, smiled, waved, and grabbed my arm, starting to walk to the back of the building.

I grabbed Maddie's arm, who grabbed Krystina's arm, who grabbed Ali's, and we all walked into the back room while the fangirls screamed and tried to get Zack to come back.

"Holy crap. They're intense," I said as we stepped in, the door closing behind us.

There had been a group of girls who had broken away from the crowd and chased after Zack, trying to get in.

"Yeah they were," Ali said, collapsing on a chair.

Zack just shrugged. "Not the craziest I've ever met."

"What is the extent of the crazy you have met?" I asked, intrigued.

"That Allie girl buying my address off the internet," Alex said, walking through the door. "She was mental."

"Huh," I said, as Rian and Jack came walking in.


An hour and a half later, I was in the middle of a humongous crowd, my friends on either side of me, as All Time Low walked onto the stage.

The screams that had been slightly subdued were now intense. Girls were screaming, waving huge posters, and throwing underwear at the stage.

"Wow," I muttered, as they began their first song.

They were really good performers. I guess they'd have to be to be so famous, but I was impressed.


Two hours later, I followed my friends backstage.

"What'd you think?" Rian asked giddily.

"It was AWESOME!" Krystina said happily.

"Good," Rian said, still smiling.

"AUDREY!" Jack yelled, stepping off the wing of the stage.

"JACK!" I yelled back, trying to step behind Maddie in case he wanted to hug me again. I'm really not a hugger.

Jack just smiled and went walking off into the back of the building as Matt walked up to Alex, who was standing next to RIan.

"You guys need to go get some pictures with the fans, autographs, you know, that stuff. Jack is already out there."

Alex and RIan nodded as Zack came up behind me.

"Hi," he said.

"Hey," I replied, turning around to face him.

"What'd you think of the show?" he asked.

"It was amazing!" I said smiling.

"ZACK! Get your buttt out here!" I heard Matt yell.

"Well, I have to go," he said, looking back in the direction that Matt's voice came from. "I'l lcatch up with you later though, okay?" he said.

"Okay," I replied, still smiling.

"ZACK!" Matt yelled again.

Zack rolled his eyes and turned away to walk towards the rest of the band.