Status: Complete

Running Into You

Chapter 9

Moments later, Ali and Krystina busted into the bathroom.

"You and Zack?!?!?!" Ali screeched.

"Well...I don't know if we're a...Thing, per se. Umm...But...I kinda like him?" I told her, blushing furiously.

"OH MY GOD!" Krystina yelled. "That is so awesome!"

I smiled and heard people rushing past the bathroom. "I guess the movie is over. Let's go," I said, heading towards the door.

We stepped outside and I saw the whole group of guys standing in a huddle, talking.

"Two weeks?!" Zack exclaimed.

"That's what Matt just texted," Ryan said, shaking his head.

"Well screw Matt. I have stuff that needs to be taken care of HERE!" Zack yelled.

"Calm down, dude. I'm sure Audrey will understand," Jack said.

"What about Audrey?" I asked, walking up to them, my friends following behind.

"Umm, nothing," Zack said, looking at the ground.

"Aww, screw it," Jack said. "Ali, come with me on tour in two weeks?"


"YES!" Ali scremed, running up and hugging Jack.

Rian and Alex followed suit. Rian asking Maddie and Alex asking Krystina.

While the rest of them walked to Maddie's car, Zack and I stood there.

"Do you want to come?" he asked me, a hopeful look crossing his face.

"I would," I began and his face fell. "I have school. It's my last year. I guess my friends forogt about that."

Zack just looked at me, looking crestfallen.

"I...I could..." I began, trying to find some way I could go.

"No. It's okay. I understand. School is important," he said, taking my hand.

"Thank you," I told him, walking back to my car.


When we got back home, I put my purse and stuff in my room and pulled out my laptop.

While I was logging on, Zack appeared in my doorway.

"Hey," I said, smiling, opening up the internet.

"Hey," he replied, sitting at a rolling chair and rolling it next to the bed.

"I'm sorry I can't go," I told him.

I really did feel bad. This is a once-in-a-lifetime oppurtunity, and I'm missing it.

"I understand. You need college for your job."

It's true. I DID need this. I want to be a teacher, and leaving college wouldn't give you the best job available.

I went and looked at the webpage for Jameston.

"Oh my hippopotamus," I muttered, looking at the article on the webpage.

"Oh my hippopotamus?" Zack asked, holding back laughter.

"The school...Holy crap..." I said, not able to finish.

Zack took the laptop from me and looked at the article.

"A fire began in the chemistry building. After engulfing it, the fire moved on to the main building and spread," he read aloud. "After the firemen arrived, about half of the campus was blackeend and charred. Luckily, no lives were lost. Classes, however, will not be able to be held here. They will be held via correspondence. Students can come by the main office and get their correspondence code."

"Oh my..." I said, astonished.

I ran downstairs, followed by Zack.

"Y'all, the school was burnt down," I announced.

"Oh my God!" Maddie exclaimed.

I nodded.

"So, the classes will be held via correspondence. We can go to the main office to pick up our correspondence code," I finished.

They all just looked at me, mouths wide open.

"I'm gonna go pick mine up now, so I won't have to fight a crowd," I told them, picking up my keys.

My friends were too astonished to get up and come with me, so I left them there while Zack came with me.

"One good thing came from this,"I said, breaking the silence on the ride to the college.

"What?" Zack asked.

"I can come on tour with you," I told him, parking and getting out of the car.

"You can!" he exclaimed, running around to me and picking me up, spinning me in the air.

"Put me down!" I laughed.

He complied, and set me on the ground, taking my hand in his.

We looked at the campus.

"Eww," I said, looking at the black, charred mess.

"That's such a girl thing to say," Zack said, laughing.

I stuck my tongue out at him and walked to the office.