The Return of Thor


It had taken many months, but he had done it.

Thor had rebuilt the rainbow bridge and was now able to and furfill his promise to Jane.He gave up on asking Heimdall about her. He was going to find out himself. He questioned what he would find down there. Had she met someone else? Did she no longer want to be with him? And many more swirled in his head. But he had to go back, he had to. Even if it was just to see her, hear her.

He made up his mind. He was going. He was seeing her no matter what.

Crossing the Bifrost and returning back to earth, unearthed memories from months ago, the short time he had shared with Jane. Time that he would make up, if she let him.

New Mexico had changed since he was there. More than he expected. There were tall buildings all around. But the ground that he stood on was exactly the same.

He wandered the once familiar streets, ignoring the questioning looks. He found himself at what he remembered to be, Jane's research facility. Seeing it the same as it was. He ran towards it wrenching open the door. Finding everything, in a layer of dust.
He was confused. It had only been a few months. How could things have changed so much?

He was wandering again. Searching for familiar faces, he found none.

Just as he was going to turn back. He heard a voice call his name.

"Thor? Is that you?"

He whipped his head around to see an old woman, whose face was distantly familiar. He walked towards her.

"So it really is you? She whispered and touched his face.

Thor was confused. Who was this woman?

"Thor, it’s me, Darcy."

Thor looked her again; she did not look like Darcy. Darcy was young and full of spunk. This lady was completely opposite.

"I think you have me confused. Now excuse me" He turned to leave.

The old woman touched his arm.

"Jane waited a long time to see you again." She said gazing at him.

He turned around swiftly. "Where is she?"

"Thor... she's dead. She has been for five years" she said cautiously

Dead the word echoed around his head.

Thor heart broke. His world shattered. Jane was no more. But he was awestruck.

"Bu- but its only been a couple of months." He looked down at Darcy.

"Actually Thor, its been 60 year" she said sadly "Come inside I'll make you some tea."

Thor trudged inside.
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Tell me what you think, if i should continue or not

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