The Return of Thor


The house smelled, not of rotting corpses or any other foul smell that Thor had smelt during his various adventures, it just smelt. Everything was either in lacey doilies or patchwork quilts. Thor sat himself down in one of the squishy armchairs while Darcy hobbled to into another room to make tea.

There were many pictures in this room, or many different people, most of whom Thor had never met. But there were many pictures of his Jane. Usually in these pictures she was standing next to Darcy or a man he had never met before, he assumed it was her husband.

Darcy shuffled in with a tray of tea, Thor quickly grabbed from her as it looked like she was about to trip over, they sat down.

It was silent for a moment, Thor didn't know what to say, it had been 60 years!!!

He started off with the most basic of questions, "So, um.... How are you?"

Darcy methodically put down her tea cup and was about to answer when someone walked in the door, saying "Darce, I'm here!!"

Thor turned around and gasped, "Jane???"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is so short :S

I am currently writing this on my mum's new iPad :D (so please tell me if I made any mistakes)

Thank you sooo much to everyone who commented on this story, it means so much to me that you all commented after one chapter!!!! And the people who subscribed aswell!!!!

Hopefully I'll write again soon!!!