The Return of Thor


I couldn't be, she looked exactly like his Jane, her hair was the same brunette colour he remembered and her eyes, gave him the same piercing look she always gave him, as if looking into his soul. It took all he had in him to not run to her, hold her and kiss her. He had missed her so much.

She turned away from him and Thor felt empty.

"Darce, not to be rude or anything... but.... Who the heck is this? What is he wearing? And why did he call me by my mother's name?!?!?" She said to her


Darcy took a look at Thor's confused face, then to "Jane" 's she let out a loud sigh and beckoned them to sit.

"I guess the story begins over 60 years ago when Jane, Erik and I were studying the Anomalous Particle Phenomena here in New Mexico...." Darcy told the girl the whole story.

It was nearly an hour later when she finished her story. The girl had her mouth wide open starring at Thor.

Darcy started speaking again "Thor, this is Jane's daughter Freya"

It was Thor who now gazed open mouthed at the girl, or Freya. Jane's daughter. Those two words echoed in his head Jane's Daughter It couldn't be. He had dreamed of his and Jane's family, their children. But now that her daughter was now standing infront of him. The thought finally set in that he and Jane could never be together. She was dead.

She is dead, dead Thor. She's never coming back.

He put his head in his hands, and for the first time in his long immortal life, Thor began to cry.
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WHEEW! Finally Updated :D

I want to thank Dezi Demize for giving me the final push to update!!

Tell me what you think!!!
