You're the Best Kept Secret Rolling off my Tongue

I trudged slowly behind Gerard to the nearest Starbucks.

I trudged slowly behind Gerard to the nearest Starbucks. When we arrived I was about the follow Gerard inside when something caught my eye on the floor. I looked down and realised it was a phone. I picked it up and took a quick look, guess it couldn’t hurt to hand it in here, someone probably lost it as they were walking in or out seeing as it was outside the store.

I carried on inside and handed the phone to Gerard so he could give it to the cashier. I then pulled out a seat at the closest table and slumped myself in it. I couldn't bare to walk any longer; it felt as though all the bones in my body had been broken. My chest ached and I wanted so badly to just fall to the floor, crumple up and die.

Thankfully as it was still school hours there were barely any people around to be suspicious as to why two school boys were clearly not in school. The only person who gave me a confused glance was the cashier who Gerard had now walked up to so he could order. She looked at Gerard as he said something, then back at me with a sympathetic smile. Why did Gerard always feel the need to tell everyone about my failure of my romantic life?

I was dragged from my thoughts when Gerard sat at the table and practically threw the Starbucks down at me. The straw hit me in the face which made me jolt upwards.

"Gee you idiot! That could‘a fuckin' poked my eye out!" I exclaimed, rubbing my eye as if the straw really had hit it.

"Shut up and drink." Gerard stated with a chuckle in his voice as he continued to slurp on his own drink which was already half empty.

Well, even though I was wallowing in self pity it put a smile on my face when I tasted the Starbucks. Caramel Coffee Frappucino. Gerard definitely knew the best ways to cheer me up; I guess that's what best friends are for.

"Maybe the snobby fuckin' prick really wasn't worth it..." I mumbled, glancing up at Gerard.

He suddenly grinned excessively, "That's my Frankie boy!" he exclaimed, patting me on the shoulder as if he were a father congratulating his son.

“You know what we need now to make this cheer up mission complete?” he asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and shook my head.

“Skittles silly! Can’t believe that you’d forget about them!” Gerard exclaimed, slapping me lightly on the back of the head.

“Hey man! What is it with you being violent towards me today?” I joked, rubbing my head.

“Shush Frank, take it like a man!” Gerard laughed. “And wait here while I go buy some Skittles.”

“Sure thing,” I muttered as Gerard stood from his seat and proceeded out of the doorway and down the street.

But sure enough as Gerard left, my mood plummeted back down to the ground. Without him here I had no one to distract me from my newly broken heart and as I glanced around, it seemed all that I could see were couples flirting, cuddling each other and holding hands. It actually made me sick to the stomach when I thought about how many of these couples were really truly in love, and how many of them were just using the other for money, sex, you name it and here I was with no one by my side.

Sighing, I rested my arms on the table, sunk my head into my hands, and closed my eyes. I was happy enough sat there dwelling on what could have been until I felt the chair across from me move.

“Oh hey Gee,” I muttered rubbing my eyes, but there came no reply so I looked up.

Well, it sure wasn’t Gerard, but a random man sat in his seat.

“Err hello?” I asked, totally confused.

“Sorry for disturbin’ ya’! Just wanna’d to say thanks for handin’ in ma’ phone! The nice lady over there said you and ya’ friend found it.” He said in the weirdest accent I had ever heard.

And he looked even weirder than his accent. He was dressed in black jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a black torn looking jacket. He was quite young, probably in his late twenties, and he had a strange looking black helmet type of hat on. What the hell?

“Oh right, its fine. I obviously wasn’t going to keep it, I wouldn’t like it if that happened to me if I lost my phone!” I laughed awkwardly.

“Well, most people would do the opposite. S’ thanks!”

I smiled at the man, expecting him to get up and leave but he didn’t. Instead he sat there looking around and taking sips from his coffee.

“So, what’s up with ya’ sonny? You sure do look down...sufferin’ from a broken heart by any chance?” the man seemed to state rather than asking.

“How could you tell?” I laughed.

“Dealt with many a’ case like yours, I have!”

Err, okay. I was beginning to think that when this man lost his phone he must have fallen down and hit his head on the pavement in the process.

“I tell ya’ what. After bein’ so kind to me, I’m prepared to offer ya’ ma’ services!” he continued.

“Excuse me!?” I coughed as what he said took me by surprise.

“Haha! I must be confusin’ ya’! I’m a salesman ya’ see!”

Well, suddenly it made sense. Salesmen, what cunning fuckers they are. Waiting until they find someone who’s vulnerable and easily swayed to work their charms on. Well, it wasn’t going to work on me!

“Listen, I know you’re grateful for me finding your phone, but I’m really not interested.” I told him, giving him a slight look of disgust for trying to scam someone who’s already having a really bad day.

“No, no! I insist! What is it ya’ want? He began.

“I said -”

“What is it ya’ most desire?”

Damn, he sure was persistent.

“I don’t -”

“What thing could ya’ do with most in your life right now?”

“How about a boyfriend!?” I blurted out without thinking.

I got a few odd glances from some people around us which caused me to blush. Why did I say that? It was pretty stupid on my part.

“Is tha’ all? Why didn’ya say sooner!” he exclaimed.

I gave him an odd glance. What was he talking about? I didn’t actually mean that.

“Here,” he started as he reached into his pocket and pulled out some paper. “Take ma’ card and try goin’ on the site at the bottom.”

I was so confused but I took the card from his hand as he held it out to me.

“But one thing! This site is n’ absolute secret!” he said, putting his finger to his lips.

I was about to ask one million questions when he suddenly stood up.

“I’ll be in touch with ya’, Frank.”

And with that he left the store. I have to admit I was so confused that I couldn’t even think straight. I just sat there; my mind was blank. I didn’t even notice when Gerard sat down and waved a packet of skittles in my face. But as I zoned back into reality and everything in front of my eyes came back into focus, the only question that ran through my mind was how that salesman knew my name.
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Hope you like it. Pleeeeeeeeeaaassseee comment and let me know! I'm gettin' readers but no one's commenting, it's not hard and doesn't take long so please comment! It will be greatly appreciated :)