

“You’re destructive, Leigh! You just float around, looking for trouble.”
“Don’t you think I know that?” I yelled back with laughter, my throat feeling similar to sandpaper as my raspy voice echoed across the dark brick walls of the city streets.
Alex was far past drunk. He was standing outside the small pub we had decided to go to that night, calling after me as I toppled away, arms swinging.
He jogged over to me, stopping when he reached a five feet distance.
“You can’t leave! Mom and Dad, they won’t... It’s wrong for—We just.”
He was stumbling over his words just as he was stumbling over his own two feet.
“Bro, calm down!” I howled with laughter, “I’m going home. I’ll be back on Tuesday. The day of Tue! I promise you, Kid! Everything’s gonna’ be alright!”
I was still yelling and I knew I wasn’t making any sense; it was half intended for the sole purpose of making Alex's head spin.
I swivelled all over the pathway as he replied, “You better be back. And I’m no kid! I’m Alex motherfuckin’ Gaskarth!”
I laughed some more, tilting my head back and closing my eyes as I walked on further away from my brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
Reposted to cover times.
In celebration of reaching TEN stars for Watch You Cry!