Status: Active. Slow.

World Around Me



Pain - Physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.

It's my fault.

I should have gone with them. I was always paranoid that if I didn't go, they would be too caught up in each other and something would happen. Now it has. Acidian is gone.


And for what? To torture? To kill?

Why would someone take him? A human pedophile? A rogue vampire or werewolf?

There's so many possibilities but I can't jump to conclusions until I know what happens.

Neither of them have said anything though. Did he wonder off when it happened? Was he in Adikyas' grasp? What went on? I know I need to find him but how can I unless I have some sort of clue? They've all been keeping to themselves.

I want to beat myself up about this for another week,

This shouldn't have happened. How could I let this happen? I'm the eldest, I banded each of us togeteher and it was my job to protect them. I've failed my duties.. But I was so tired. I hadn't slept or consumed blood in weeks before this happened. They each had insisted that I go out and quench my hunger, to stop putting them before me. I was refusing it too but somehow they had convinced me so I let them go by themselves.

Now ones gone.
So stupid.

I hissed at myself and tugged at my hair. The tears began to build in my eyes and I bit my lip. My vision became blurry and my throat started to burn. I need to cry but I haven't in years. I need to stay strong for them. They can't know how worried I am. They need me to keep them sane.

The sound of footsteps coming down the hallway made me wipe at my eyes and collect myself quickly. The door flew open.

“Here.” Fadian hissed, stomping into my study. I sat at my desk, staring at the pencil ontop of it. The demon dropped a pouch onto the dark wood. The pouch was small, about the size of my hand. The fabric was a bit furry but durable. It was blue with gold embroidery at the edges. I furrowed my eye brows and looked up at Fadian only to find that his eyes half swallowed in darkness. His irises were pitch black.

I just looked at him, trying to understand what he meant. Fadian slammed his fist onto the wood and growled at me.

“Find him!” He demanded. My head titlted to the side, not understanding why he was so angry. “Fucking stop moping and find him Julian!” The demon screamed, pulling back his hand and slapping me across the face. A growl escaped from my chest and I jumped up from my seat, shoving him. Fadian roared and pushed me back. I jumped over the desk and pushed him to the floor but he pulled me down with him and we began to wrestle.

Animalistic cries escaped from both of our mouths and finger nail cuts littered eachother's face. Bot of us were seeing red as the instinct to kill one another surfaced. I grabbed his head and pulled it up, then slammed it back down onto the floor. Fadian shoved me onto my feet. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me onto the desk, dragging me across it's surface and wipping everything on it onto the floor. The sound of glass shattering and metal bouncing onto the carpeted hard wood floors rang through my ears. Fadian slid me off the desk and slammed me down onto the floor.

I felt something stab into my spine and I screamed, beginning to thrash around and try to get him off me but the more I moved, the more the object dug into my spine. One jerk in the wrong direction and my back was on fire. I screamed in agony, my body going limp. Fadian took the chance to sink his teeth into shoulder and I screamed again, feeling the venom course through my veins. Droplets rushing through my body and attacking each of my nerves, the pain excruciating. Fadian moaned, already feeding off my torture.

Genevi rushed through the door way and started yelling his head off.

“Fadian stop! Stop it you two! Fadian stop!” He screamed franticly, trying to pry us apart and place himself in between us. Fadian growled, his hands tightening their grip on me. “Fadian! Stop it! Stop! This isn't you! You're not like this!” Genevi cried, trying to get some sense into his mates head. A possessive growl left the demon's chest. He pushed me further down onto the object and I let out a choked cry. It was dug into me at an unbelievable depth.

Genevi grabbed Fadian's shoulders and tried pulling him off. The neko pushed and showed but the demon's growls only got louder until he finally got annoyed. A loud slap eachoed througout the room, dead silence following after. Cries escaped my mouth as I looked at Genevi only to find him on the floor, holding his cheek. Fadian pulled his teeth out of me and stared at his lover in shock..

Once he realized what he had did he began to panic. He rushed over to the neko. “Genevi I'm so sorry!” He gasped, irises a red violet, their normal color. The neko just pushed past him though and rushed over to me.

“Julian?” He whimpered. My eyes slowled moved in his direction and his eyes began to tear up, I probably looked like a mess. Genevi took a step twoards me but I just shook my head and pointed to the door that Fadian had rushed out of. “No I have to help you!” He said, stepping closer to me.

“Do as I say.” I commanded, giving him a hard stare. The neko reluctantly followed my orders and left. He close the door on his way out and I immediately began to cry. I screamed in howled in pain, my body shaking and beginning to convulse from the venom. The door flew open again in what I'm sure was only a couple of minutes but it felt like an eternity. I thought to hell with it. I wasn't going to care if they saw me cry, I was in so much pain.

The familiar face of Adikyas came into view, dark circles under his eyes and his skin a sick pale color. I reached out to him.

“Shh.” He whispered, pressing his fingers to my lips. I whimpered patheticly, shaking in pain. “I just need you stop moving. Fadian told me what happened and the more you move, the more the spike will dig into your back.” He said quickly changing from heart broken warlock to Dr. Adikyas. I whined but willed my body to stop moving only to increase the noises. The warlock tried lifting me up but when I screamed he stopped. He swept his brown bangs out of his eyes, blood coating his finger tips and now staining his hair and forehead. It took me a while to realize that it was actually my blood..

“Fadian! Genevi!” He yelled and a few moments later both appeared at his side. But by that time my vision was starting to grow blurry from the loss of blood.. I felt someone grab my hand and I squeezed tightly, a muffled moan reaching my ear drums.

Of course they would have Fadian to ease my pain. I continued to crush his hand, shattering and squishing his bones but the pleasure only increased for him no matter how much I wish I could show him how much pain I was going through. Soon my whole body began to block out the world. Beginning to grow numb and ears ringing away.

I felt a cooling sensation sweep through my body, all pain disappearing before I let my eyes closed and slipped into slumber.

I'm going to thank Adikyas for his magic when I awake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
No, Acidian is not dead this time around, I didn't have the heart to kill him off. D: This is the second story I write where I give in to my heart and not let someone die but I'm determined to have someone die in another story I'm working on.

Yes, Elk is a wolf. I though about it yesterday on how he had the name of a moose? but was cursed to be a wolf. xD I think I got Gazelle and Elk mixed up so I pictured of the deer type animals that get eating by lions when I though of naming him that but oh well.

I think I will continue the Chapters in this point of view order of Julian, Elk, Genevi. :) At lease for mose of the story. I still don't know yet.

Thanks for the comments! miss.sobriety, Never Good Enough , TheKelsie , Fascination. and, JessicStar

Tell me what you guys think of this one? Close to 100 comments.

One-shot for a prize? :)