Status: Active. Slow.

World Around Me



Noise - A sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance.

“I like this one.” The boy said quietly, looking at what I assumed was one of the drawings in my sketchbook. I opened by eyes wider, watching as he traced over the lines. He had me wrapped up in blankets, the combination of the warmth and the milk he had given me were making me sleepy. I was actually beginning to doze off before he spoke.

He held up the book, showing me the sketch I did of mountains. I sighed and nuzzled my face into the blanket, ignoring him. I was exhausted, physically and mentally. I don't even know what happened to me. I remember falling asleep but after that it's a blur up until I woke up in pain. It was when my bones began to change, the pain was unbearable, I couldn't even make noise. Then I shivered away in the cold morning air until this boy came and got me.

“I'm Genevi by the way.” He said, his hand running along my spine. I felt my muscles relax and I whined when he took his hand away. He giggled and continued petting me.

“I know you're probably wondering what happened and I don't even know what happened myself. I'm sure if you explained it to me I could help you figure it out. I mean I have a theory and all but nothing can be approved until you explain it yourself. But since you're most likely exhausted and all I'll wait until you're all rested up.” Genevi said. I looked up at him curiously. How was he going to talk to me? How would he understand me?

After told me that everything would be okay I began to yell at him, but my voice came out as small dog yaps. He ended up giggling at me while I freaked and started to panic. Once he gave me the bowl of milk though I tossed the thoughts and worry out the window and occupied my mind with the drink.

Genevi giggled again, lips pulling up into a smile and his eyes forming half moons. He was cute, adorable really. Hazel eyes and fluffy pin straight hair with bangs the went to the left. His skin was a healthy tan color.

“You didn't think I was human, did you?” He asked, continuing to giggle. I whimpered, fear beginning to course through me but Genevi tugged at the cat ears and tail attached to his body that I had forgotten about. I squirmed in my spot.

So did he actually understand me ranting earlier and was just laughing because I looked like some dog?

Next think I knew, Genevi's clothes were on his bed while a small lump began to move out from the sleeve of his shirt. A small tabby kitten came into my view and it meowed but the words that registered in my head were, “Told you.”

I stood up on my four legs and walked around him in amazement.

”What's you name?” He meowed, walking over to me and bumping into me with his head.

”Elk!” I barked.

The sound of stomping feet began to come down the halfway. Genevi quickly changed back into a human, naked flesh filling my vision before I was shoved off of the bed and onto the floor. But I stood up on my hind legs, peeking over the bed. Genevi''s back faced me, his tail flowing from side to side, ears up right and small dimples on his lower back. The footsteps grow louder before they began to fade away.

Genevi morphed back into a cat and trotted over to me, teeth digging into my neck to pull me back onto the bed. I cried out in pain ad bit at his paw. Genevi hissed and swatted at me, claws cutting the skin on my nose. I whimpered and cowered away.

”Wait, I'm sorry!” He meowed but the conversation dropped when we heard yelling from the floor above us. Both of us looked at the ceiling curiously, the sound coming from our left, on the second floor. The sound of a growl reached my ears, followed by a roar and then a loud thump that shook the ceiling fan. Genevi changed into a human and began to pull on his clothes on quickly.

The ceiling continued to shake and the thumps become more frequent. Animalistic growls echoed through out the house and I whimpered, running under the blanket I had been wrapped in.

“Stay here.” Genevi said in a panicked tone and then ran out the door.

I just listened as the noises continued. The sound of glass shattering, followed by screams and then a groan. A high pitched voice began yelling and I assumed it was Genevi, the screams and growls escalated until an abrupt eerie silence followed.

My heart raced and I scampered off the bed an out the door and into a long hallway. The walls were white and each door was a dark wood as well as the floor. A door slammed and I ran in it's direction. A set of stairs were at the end of the hall. Feet ran on the floor above me and then frantic yelling, most likely Genevi. A door flew open and the most painful screams began to fill my ears. Fear flooded through my veins once again.

“Genevi! Fadian!” A voice yelled. The door closest to the stairs flew open and out walked a boy with big black feathered wings. His hair was black and I watched as he ran up the stairs. I dashed down the hall way and up the stairs behind him, determined to find out what the hell was with all the chaos.

He and Genevi slipped into a door way and I carefully walked over to it, stopping beside it and peeking into the room.

The boy with wings and Genevi were on different side of a body. I couldn't tell what they were doing because the shoes of who ever it was, was facing towards the door in my direction. The stench of blood filled the air as I noticed the puddle of red liquid.

A third boy with dark brown hair pressed his hand onto the body's chest, whispering words under his breath before the person went limp.

“Alright, lets get him up carefully and take him to his room.” He commanded. I watched in horror as they carefully picked the body up, a bloodied spike left on the floor. They moved the body closer to the door and sat the person up, Genevi and the third boy examined his back but the boy with the wings looked at the the two holes in the person's shoulder sleeve.

I felt the air escape my lungs when I seen the unconscious boys face. His skin was pale, an ugly purple splotch coming up his neck and blue veins defined, all on the same side the two holes were. It was the same guy who had run into me in the woods. His hair was messy and I was pretty sure that behind his close curly lashed eye lids were the same striking amber orbs.

“Who are you?” A voice asked and I looked up at the boy with the wings, red violet eyes glaring at me.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for commenting!
Skeleton_kitten1313, miss.sobriety, Hey Jude, Never Good Enough, JessicStar[x2] and, musicmonster13
Congratulations to Fascination. for being the 100th commenter! :D

I hope this chapter clears up both the confusion on who's Point of View it's in as well as what was going on with Elk while the whole uproar happened. I'm really glad you guys are loving this and I hope I don't jinx myself and I continue supplying updates quickly! <3

Give me your lovely feedback please<3