Status: Active. Slow.

World Around Me



Panic - Sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior.

Genevi wisked me away, picking me up into his arms and bringing me outside of the house. The boy with the wings, his lover, followed behind us. We headed into the vast amount of trees surrounding the mansion.

I looked up at Genevi curiously, wondering what was going on. So many questions began to swirl through my head; so much was happening in so little time. My world was being taken away from me, without my consent and I was being thrown into another. I whimpered away, burying my face into the boy's neck.

What was going on? What happened to me? Who did this? Why? Who was that boy that I saw in the woods that night? Did he do this to me?? Why are these people in the woods? Hell, scratch that. Since when did mythical beings exist? Winged people and humans with cat parts only existed in online-teen-fiction. What's going on? Why was there yelling in that house earlier? And where are we going now?

I felt my heart race, and my little body begin to shake. Tears prickled my eyes and I whined. How does one cope with this? I've been gone for a day or two haven't I? What's going on at home!? What's going through my mothers mind? I bet she's searching for me, worrying her pretty little head off. She's all I have, and I was he everything. Father left us, he died when I was young and she grew up with no family. I don't want her to die without one either!

I whined, a howl of saddnes escaping my mouth. I knew Genevi already felt the tears on his chest. I knew he was cooing to me, trying to soothe me but it wasn't working. I wanted my mother. I wanted to take everything back! I wished I hadn't gone to the woods that day. I whish I was with her, right now.

I wanted so badly to be at home, to whine to her about my non-existent ability to but things together. I wanted to eat her food and cling to her while we went to the market. I wanted to hide into her shoulder whenever strangers approached us and ignore everyone stare at my mamma's boy traits.

I needed her. I needed to hear her voice and feel her hands. I needed her to hold me in her arms while I cried. I needed her to reasure me that things would be okayI needed her so much.

Genevi placed me onto the ground, brown leaves crunching under me. The neko sat on the ground beside me and stroked my fur. I just howled again, my body shaking as the tears flowing freely down my face.

“Go ahead without us, Fadian.” He told his lover. Fadian nodded his head and sprinted off, leaving us both in the woods. We stayed there for a while, I didn't move a muscle. I just howled and whimpered while Genevi tried to calm me down. His words had no affect on me.

It was only when he began to stoke my fur that he really got a reaction. I fought the instinct to relax, but I was weak, I was tired. His hands felt so warm and the air around us was cold.I gave up and let it all go. I did nothing when he pulled me into his lap and began to rub circles into my side. I let my eyes slip shut.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, Fadian came back with a deer hung over his shoulders. Blood was dripping from the animals neck, as well as the boys mouth. The feathers on his wings were unrully and he was breathing heavenly. And just the look in his eyes, the pure in-human pure black eyes, it changed everything.

My heart rate began to pick up and I began to panick. I whined and howled, shaking my head furiously. Breathing became so difficult and my vision begn to blur. Genevi screamed my name but I wasn't paying attention because Fadian's eyes... his eyes...

”Stop it! Let him go!” The boy screamed, light green eyes lookig over worriedly at me. His hair was brown and blonde and he had angel wings. I gasped and reached out to him, trying so hard to breath but the man had me pinned against the tree by my neck. I let out a choked cry, trying to get out of his grasp. My legs attempted to kick him but my body was sore and refused to move. Tears began to swell in my eyes.

“Leave him alone! He did nothing! He's just a human!” The boy yelled franticly.

“All the reason to teach him to be a good little boy and not venture off into the woods at night.” The man smirked at me, eyes an inhumanmixture of red, blue, purple, and light blue. I wanted to protest, to tell him that he was wrong, I didn't come here willingly but I couldn't. He whispered something under his breath and that's when things began to go wrong.

I remember it, the pain. I remember my screams and cries, the way my body twitched and my bones shifted. I remember my throat becoming raw, lungs burning to catch up with the vocals I was letting out. I rememeber every single crack of my bones and the way my body bent at dangerous angles. I yelled to the God to end it, to stop the pain that lasted for what felt like and eternity. I just wanted to die to end it.

God the pain, was excruciating...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for the comments! Skeleton_kitten1313(x2), Never Good Enough(x2), MarcieMarc(x2), JessicStar(x2), TheKelsie(x2), s t a y y o u n g .(x2), Fascination., jennylake74 , Josh Cutlip., SuperNovaEclipse(x2)

I'm feel sorry for my babies, all going through a rough time. :( But it's what I had in mind. Just boom, here's this mismatched family going through a difficult situation. I'm sorry I didn't update, I had state testing, 'Grease' shows for drama, math placement tests, and a research paper to do. Yesterday I went to Disneyland.

I hope you love this<3
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