Sequel: Hiccuping



Hiccups Castle/Caskett 
Beckett and Castle entered the morgue to see Lanie leaning over a body, "hey Lanie, what you.?" started Beckett being cut off by a hiccup mid question, "I have a dead guy no ID yet with three gun shot wounds to the chest and  diaphragm" said Lanie with a smile at Beckett as she spoke,  "and I have a hiccuping detective" joked Castle, Beckett hiccuped again then gave Castle a death glare all he did was smile back at her, "here's the report so far Beckett" said Lanie smiling at the pair "thanks" said Beckett hiccuping "bye Lanie, now come on let's go get rid of those hiccups of yours" said Castle allowing Beckett to lead out, hiccuping as she went once by the car in the car park Castle turned to Beckett and said "I'm driving I want to take you somewhere" taking the keys from Beckett's hand, "where?" hiccuped Beckett unsure and puzzled, "where I used to get rid of my hiccups" said Castle with a smile before rounding to the to the driver side door. Once both inside Castle started the engine and headed off towards the area where he was brought up, Beckett had learnt from her cases with Richard Castle that once his mind was set and he had said he would do some thing he would do it, Beckett just sat hiccuping in the passenger seat as Castle pointed out childhood hang outs "here we are" said Castle pulling up out side an almost abandoned ball park, "what why are we.?" said Beckett as the hiccups kicked in again "come on let it be a surprise please Beckett" pleaded Castle as he got out of the car, "ok" said Beckett hiccuping, "good now come on" said Castle as Beckett joined Castle by the boot of the car then he popped the lid to reveal two baseball gloves, ball and a shoe box which Castle then gave to Beckett, "what's this Castle?" asked Beckett puzzled before hiccuping  again "don't ask, look" said Castle picking up the gloves and ball, Beckett opened the box to see a pair of red baseball boots with white laces, Beckett looked from the boots to Castle puzzled she asked "for me why?" hiccuping which he replied "because you can't play catch in heels" with a smile "but I only got.." said Beckett being cut off by hiccups "..hiccups like two hours ago and you.." pausing to hiccup again "..haven't left my side" hiccuping again. "I got them for your birthday because you were saying you loved baseball" said Castle shyly "thank you Castle" said Beckett hugging him tightly, as they releases Beckett hiccuped again causing Castle to smile before saying "get them on and we can get rid of your hiccups" said Castle as Beckett rested on the lip of the boot to put the shoes on, once on the two walked in silence to the field well as silent as it gets when one of New York's finest has the hiccups soon they were on the field, Castle threw a glove over to Beckett, who caught it with considerable skill and put it on, "ok catch Beckett" called Castle trowing the ball to Beckett "nice one Castle" she called back with a smile and a hiccup. They threw the ball back and forth, for the best part of an hour as the detective continued to hiccup, "come on Castle we better hit the showers" called Beckett catching the ball for the final time and hiccuping "ok sorry it didn't get rid of your hiccups" he replied almost sad that his cure had failed "no worries hey do you want hot dog" she said hiccuping as he came to her side "ok" he said sadly, they decided to walk to the hot dog cart on the meet point of the two streets by the park, each got a hot dog then they walked back in almost silence excluding the hiccups coming from the detective, soon the came to a bench ,Beckett sat causing Castle to follow they sat side by side just starring straight ahead until Castle had finished his hot dog and turned to look at Beckett as she finished the last bite of her hot dog too, she had a small blob of mustard from the hot dog where she had gone to bite and missed due to the still continuing hiccups just at the corner of her mouth. He didn't know if he should tell her or leave it, that's when he followed his inner voice and kissed the corner of her mouth right on the mustard, that's when she turned her head moving his lips directly on to her's, the kiss tasted of mustard and New York hot dogs, she put one hand on his knee to steady herself and the other on his face stroking his clean shaven cheek as they kissed, he just placed both hands on her soft skin, drawing her in even more, then they released, Castle kept his eyes on Beckett as she was now unable to look up out of shire embarrassment or pleasure. "That did it" she joked finally looking up, "did what?" he asked awkwardly "got rid of my hiccups" said Beckett with a smile for the writer, "and it got that mustard off too" said Castle  smiling back "two birds one stone" she said happily "you're right" he said standing "thank you Castle" said Beckett standing next to him, "what I'm paid for" he said as the two started to walk back to the car, "you don't get paid" said Beckett patronisingly "in a way I do" said Castle "how" asked Beckett puzzled "well I get to spent all day every day with you no money could buy that" he replied sincerely "that's sweet Castle thank you" she said as the two disappeared back through the park. 
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Another one bites the dust or rather keyboard