Status: Active

à la folie


In the end, everything I bought, or rather Angelica bought for me, was white, glass, wood or pastel green. Wooden white bed, pastel green sheets, glass desk with white wooden supports, white swivel chair, a light gold wooden wardrobe and 3 pastel green boxes as storage and curtains the same colour. It wasn’t much- as Angelica had commented- but it was all I would need furniture wise. Everything I used to have back in England gained through the needy greed of childishness as I was growing up.

I liked to think I was grown up, but there were so many things that defied it, that I didn’t even bother to make a statement of it. Besides, what was the point in telling anyone, they would just forget it in the rush to survive, to exist.

My consciousness was dragged from the warm recedes of my mind by a sharp sting to the underside of my right hand, I winced and withdrew it sharply, hitting the lid of the box that lingered halfway open over the pastel green box. I pushed the lid all the way off and bent forward to inspect what had caused the pain- and found it in the form of a cracked CD case. Frowning I picked up the CD case, careful not to cause myself anymore pain, and squinted at the album cover through the broken plastic.

The Smiths- Hatful of Hollow.

It wasn’t cracked when I packed it, the airport must have been harsh with my luggage. I shot a scowl at the khaki suitcase despite it not being its fault and proceeded to slip the CD artwork out of the case. I lay it out on the floor then dragged my suitcase over and began to rummage between all the clothes I had yet to place in their respectable positions, looking for one of empty CD cases I knew I had.

I produced a clear one, maneuvered in the artwork then gently transferred the disk from one to another- happy, at least, that the CD hadn’t been damaged. I place the shattered CD case into a plastic bag, wrapped it up and began pushing it to the bottom of my suitcase, past everything unpacked. Throwing it away would mean I would lose the back of the case with all the song names and more album art on it – The Smiths were one of my favourites, meaning throwing it out was not going to happen.

Some time when I had settled down I would have to find a way to get the back on the new case.

“Dinner, Fleance!”


1AM in American time and it was getting cold outside, the wall underneath me was still pleasantly warm from the long day of sun beating down on it. Houses around me were all dark, only a small green glow emitting from a night-light coming from one window, the sky was once more a blanket of indigo and pale platinum but it didn’t feel like they shined for me.

It was like an alien sky, nothing looked right, even the colours were a shade too dark, or a phase too bright. A sigh escaped my chapped lips and I raised a cigarette to them, closing my eyes at the heavenly intake. Vices were such beautiful, beautiful things. Cigarettes were something that I’d picked up on the long, ever-lasting nights of my wasted youth. There was just something about the solidly grey smoke obscuring the hateful blue sky from my vision, something about the calm process of lifting it to and from my mouth, something so attractive about the smoke trickling from between my lips.

My eyes drifted to the yellowing grass beneath my feet, it seemed so worn out.

“Odd time to be out” I took my time in raising my eyes to the owner of the young, curious voice despite being slightly shaken by the sudden noise; I didn’t have the energy to wince. He was short and curvy, with hay gold hair that tickled his neck and eyes that looked white in the light. A piece of shiny silver metal stuck through his nostrils in a ring. He was wearing a white hoodie with a red t-shirt peaking underneath it, black jeans adorned his legs in a straight line cut and red converse clung to his small feet.

He moved closer and sat down an arms length away from me on the wall. His eyes were a faded jade colour, and shaped like sideways teardrops, the outside of each eye curving down. With practised ease he drew his own cigarette from a pack in his hand and lit it with a pale blue lighter that he reached for at lightning speed.


Thankfully, he put the lighter back into his jeans pocket and shoved his hand into his jumpers pockets, letting smoke trail lazily from his cigarette as he stared into the space in front of him. I let my eyes fall back to the yellowing glass and lifted my cigarette once more, considering no more than a fellow smoker who felt the need to sit on the walls of my house’s garden as nonthreatening.

The silence that followed his arrival was a slow, peaceful one accompanied by the barely audible sounds of far-away traffic and unidentifiable bangs and thumps that usually revelled in the night. We both smoked our cigarettes in the slowly fading heat, and we both stayed still like statues, our only movements to lift a hand to our mouths, and back again.

“You from around here?” He asked, his voice American in the slightly worn smooth way, the tone used hinted that for all the world that he could care less.

“New” I murmured, hand in front of my mouth about to deliver another drag from my cigarette. He took that one-worded information in for a moment.

“From?” Still that careless tone.

“England” I replied, looking down the road that went past my house, the tarmac looked so dry and industrial. You could just image the amount of kids who had fallen and scraped the skin from their knees, it seemed like a candidate for a film to make childhood shots.

“Oh really?” More interest entered his voice, rising slightly at the end to make the question more noticeable.

“Yeah” I took a drag of my cigarette, and a moment later he did the same.

“The girls will be whoring the fuck out of you” I took a moment to digest that comment before frowning and looking over at him, pale jade met my gaze with ease and I held it for a second before turning back to my original stance.

“Nah, don’t ‘reckon I’m their type” I couldn’t imagine American boys looking anything like English boys, even my current companion looked a little different. He scoffed.

“Tall, long hair, big eyes, slim and an alright guy, I think you’re defiantly their type” He told me. an alright guy a small smile waned at the edge of my lips. Now there was something I wouldn’t hear back home.

“That’s not what I meant” I drawled, barely opening my mouth to let the words pass, I could feel his gaze move to me.


“Yeah” He watched me for a little longer before shrugging and turning back to the road.

More silence, a brooding silence as we both took in the information we now knew about each other. Then that settled back into the comfort companionship of smoking without a danger, without a judgment.

Eventually a heavy sigh came from next to me. The boy got to his feet and dropped the cigarette, smudging it into the ground with his foot.

“I’ll see you at school, there’s only the one around here. Oh and, I’m Lesley” Lesley. I haven’t heard that one before, but it suited him in the oddest of ways, in a good way.

“Fleance” Lesley raised an eyebrow.

“Shakespeare” I nodded


He stood for a moment, an appreciative expression on his face before nodding my way and turning around, hands in hoodie pocket and eyes on the path ahead.

The sound of his soft footsteps was lost in the hush of the night as my eyes wandered back to the stars.
♠ ♠ ♠


Thank you <3
