Status: As active as Max Green in my bed ;)

Reflections of False Hope.

Another Turning Point, A Fork Stuck In The Road.

Me and Aries were rudely disturbed in the middle of our ETF jam session by Jamina, a twelve year old prat who thought she ruled the place.
"Ewww, what are you listening to? This emo shit could be used as a chant to call down the devil." She said in her annoying high-pitched voice
"If you want your orange face to stay in its natural setting, I suggest you shut the fuck up," I growled
"And get out of OUR room." Aries snapped, taking one step closer to Jamina.
"But Rose wants Tuesday to come to the reception." Jamina drawled in her fake accent.
I sighed a long-suffering sigh and followed the twat downstairs.
"Tuesday, Mr Ortiz is interested in adopting you. He wants to get to know you first though.
I looked up through my bangs and my jaw dropped.
"Robert Ortiz as in the drummer of my obsession, a.k.a ESCAPE THE FATE?" I screamed, happy tears welling up in my eyes "No, this is just a dream. Like in on the stories on Mibba and Quizilla and Wattpad."
Robert laughed and pinched me, making me yelp "Yup, you're awake."
I grinned and threw my arms around him.
Jane explained that I had the whole day to spend with Robert so that we could get to know eachother.
We went to the mall and hung out in Hot Topic and the ice-cream parlour. I had bad trust issues because I had been hurt so much in the past and I have this great ability of ruining everything that's good in my life. But I had always trusted all the ETF and FIR guys(Apart from Nason, he was the kinda guy to stab you in the back.)With my life even though I didn't know them in person. I trusted them because their music got me through everything anf it felt like they were there, actually speaking to me. So I told Robert about my past; about my parents, my grandma, how I got kidnapped and tortured(I didn't mention that, did I?), all the suicide attempts, the paranormal activity I went through and how Aries was the only one I really had.
Rob told be about his childhood, how he grew up, his parents, everything.
"Robert?" I said quietly as we ate our Cookie Dough ice-cream number 4.
"Yeah?" He smiled through a mouthful of ice-cream
I chuckled then asked seriously "Why do you want to adopt me?"
"I've always wanted a teenage daughter, have someone other than Max to watch over. Also, I lost a bet." He explained.
"Ahh typical! That's what you guys say in stories all the time. Its pretty amusing living out a fanfiction. Its my dream come true."
He smiled at me and ruffled my hair.
Robert came over a few more times over the next few weeks while signing the papers to adopt me.
When I told Aries, we had a massive screaming fest which soon turned into tears and hugs.
After 3 years together, only separating for showers and classes, we were being separated for God knows how long.
But, atleast we had BBM and Facebook.
Our goodbye was long, painful and full of tears
"I love you so much Aries!" I sobbed as we clung onto eachother, our make-up staining eachothers shirts.
"I love you too! I'll miss you soo much its unbelievable!" She replied, hiccuping.
After about another half hour of that, I was curled up shotgun in Rob's car. The drive was mainly silent apart from an occasional hiccup from me.
We arrived at a fairly large house about an hour later.
"Guys, my daughter is here!" Rob yelled, making me flinch.
He saw and gave me a brief hug as if to say sorry.
I smiled and nodded before following him into the house.
I was okay with screaming, but yelling really made me paranoid.
"OHMYGOD, can I have her? I want her to be my pet!!" Max demanded, Pulling at my cheeks and playing with my brown-ish blonde hair.
I held back a blush and hung out with the guys, getting to know them better."
"SHE'S LIKE MY TWIN!! I am going to Max-ify you." Max grinned mischievously, eyeing me over.
"DON'T touch the eyebrows." Monte, Craig and Robert growled.
"They so don't appreciate us." Max muttered
"I know right. Let's go shopping!"
"YES! Let's try shit on in VICTORIA'S SECRET!" He exclaimed, making me bust out laughing and nod.
"DON'T DO ANYTHING TOO STUPID!" Robert yelled after us.
"Dude, did you really just say that? Its MAX. And a female version of him." Craig ranted
"Which spells out disaster." Monte finished off for his short friend. (A/n- Craig IS short, he admitted it. I mean, c'mon, the guy's 5"7 XD)
"We need to brain-wash them and MaxDay-ify them." Max mused as I slammed the door.
We got into the car and screamed along to The Used 'Taste of Ink' over and over until we got to the mall. Max put some glasses on and tied his hair up.
He's so gorgeous.
Say no more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, what d'ya guys think? :D
Ohh and I'm gonna say this now;
Before you click that ugly little report button, message us about our mistakes in the story. This is 100% fiction and we do not own Escape The Fate or Falling In Reverse (wish we did though...>.>)