Just Judge Me or Hurt Me, I Dare You

Remember Me Bitch?

"...Hey there."
A sexy voice drawled out and I turned around. 
I whispered and saw, who else but Ryan, with another girl. She was a platinum fake blonde with a pink ribbon in her hair, gray jean short shorts, and a pink tight V-neck with the words "Love It" on it. I glared as she flipped her platinum hair behind her and blinked her long lashes over her green eyes. I almost went to rip her hair out but, once again, Lyra grabbed me and stopped me. Ryan raised his brows at me and smirked then, leaning down quite slowly kissed platinum hair girl. Not a 3 second kiss, a kiss that lasted well over two minutes, how they could breathe I don't know. All I did know was his hand was up her shirt and her tongue was in his moist, tasty mouth. I inwardly groaned, not tasty! Not moist! Gross! Gross! 
"Uhhh...Jess? Stop thinking about how much of a great kisser he is k? It's grossing even me out with you staring so intensely at him."
I blushed and looked away. 
"Shut it Lyra. I-I was, you know, just thinking how much of a slut platinum girl is."
Then I looked down at myself and sighed. Eh, I can judge her even if I'm a slut right? Maybe I should just call her a whore since a slut is higher up than a whore, at least in my mind. 
"Her names Ciera..."
Lyra glared daggers at the girl when Ryan and...Ciera...finally came up for air.
"Uh...You have some history with her?"
Lyra whipped her hair around and slammed the locker door shut. 
She crossed her arms over her big chest and huffed, shoving her hands into the pocket of her short black skirt. I raised my hands in a "I surrender" gesture.
"Ok...So what happened?"
She looked at me with a frown and sighed, knowing I had to know what was up with her and Ciera. 
"Remember Justin?"
Oh...I gaped at her. Justin was her first boyfriend who she loved so much, she'd been crushing on him for 2 years before he asked her out. They dated for a few months before he cheated on her.
"Ciera is the other woman?!"
I started stomping down the hall to bash that whores head into the wall before stopping to a halt. Lyra passed me and went straight up to her.
"Oh shit..."
I wasn't sure whether to stop the on coming girl fight or not. I chose to only interfere if Lyra actually killed the girl. 
Ryan drew his eyes together and looked back between Ciera and Lyra. 
"Uh girls?"
He knew it wasn't that Lyra was jealous of Ciera, if anything I was jea--I mean annoyed. 
"Shut your fucking trap got it Ryan?"
She went up to Ciera and with a, "Remember me, bitch?" punched that girl right in the face. I knew she had wanted to do that for awhile because the glow in her eyes, plus, Justin and her had just broken up about two weeks ago so the hurt was still fresh. 
"Wooh!!! Go Lyra!!!"
I screamed and clapped, jumping up and down. A few guys stopped and whistled at Lyra pulling Cieras hair and kneeing Ciera in the ribs. Ryan was one of the whistling guys who tried to see up Lyras skirt. I pushed him out of the way and watched as Lyra broke Cieras nose. I'm not ashamed to say I loved hearing Ciera scream but, I'm sorry to say, I broke off the fight when Lyra almost ripped Cieras teeth out. I dragged Lyra, kicking and screaming horrible things, to the end of the hall. Ciera was bloody and ugly as ever! Her nose was red and stuffed from crying and leaking snot, her eye was black and blue, her platinum hair out of its ribbon and some of it torn out. Her shirt was ripped and covered with some blood from the scratches Lyra gave her, they stained the edges of Cieras sleeves. Also, to make revenge sweeter, not only was her stomach bruised from the kicks Lyra threw, but no teachers witnessed it and Lyra got away with only 2 days suspension.
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