Just Judge Me or Hurt Me, I Dare You

You're Like A Walking Sex Machine!

"Lucky girl..."
I muttered as I entered the school, by myself, in my short dress. It was tight, black, and only had one sleeve and, paired with my high heeled shoes, made for a BDSM girl I looked slutty as ever. I felt...good? I strutted down the hallway to my locker and glanced over my shoulder. One guy from the football team was coming over, Will. I cocked my hip to the right a little as I opened my locker. 
"Hey sexy."
He whispered in my ear and I batted my eyelashes.
"Me? Sexy? I don't know..."
I knew I should walk away, I knew I shouldn't have worn this outfit but the damage was done so, I mind as well just make things worse. 
"Oh yes you do. You're like a walking sex machine!"
Yes, exactly what a girl wants to hear. 
"Ha thanks."
I responded dryly and he wrapped his arms around my waist, more like my butt. I spotted Ryan talking to another blonde but noticed he wouldn't stop glancing at me. I raised my brows but looked back at Will.
"No problem sweet heart. Now give me some sugar."
I almost burst out laughing but wanted to make Ryan jealous--I mean...
"Ok...since you're sweet."
I kissed his neck then slowly laid a kiss on his lips. He wasn't ugly, he had shaggy brown hair, a little to much muscle, and hazel eyes. He opened his mouth and I shrugged, lacing my arms around his neck. I licked his tongue then nibbled on his lip for a second before getting yanked away. 
I muttered as I thought that a teacher had caught us. 
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