Just Judge Me or Hurt Me, I Dare You


I growled, yes growled, and spun around to see Ryan.
"Sorry. S-L-U-T. You're in my way...Slut."
I pushed him away from me and his eyes seem to dance in enjoyment. Will was gone to his football friends, maybe even watching Ryan and I. 
"Stop it."
I clenched my hands into fists. Calm down Jess! I basically screamed in my head as I started to lose my temper. 
"Stop what? Slut."
I almost snapped and closed my eyes. After re-opening my black eyes I smirked. 
"Jealous, Ryan?"
I looped my fingers into his black skinny jeans belt loops and pulled him to me. He narrowed his brows and stood there for a second, shocked. I was being the slutty, over confident me, deal with it.
"You are. Say it, jealous."
I licked his collar bone and he made the littlest shudder. 
"J-jealous of a slut like you and an air head like that football player, yea, right."
I didn't fail to notice the stutter he made and I kissed his shoulder. Man, he was amazing. Not only did he smell like a manly and rustic with a mix of minty aftershave but he was beautiful or at least attractive. He had frayed raven black hair with a few blue highlights, brown eyes, and a slightly tanned six pack. 
I wondered aloud as I skimmed him over in his jeans and baggy black shirt. 
"Hmmm? Turned on all ready?"
He asked and slipped my sleeve down an inch. Yep, he was back to his player self, Lyra is going to kill me.
"Not even a bit."
I replied and walked away, pulling my sleeve up. Ok...Well, maybe Lyra won't kill me if I don't tell her? Yea right, like I could keep a secret from her. 
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