Status: Active

Remember Me..?


“So who was that sexy little slice that I saw walking past my bedroom from the washroom last night?” Karen, my roommate for two years asks from her spot at the kitchen table. She was working towards her PhD in Microbiology, frankly I was surprised to see her sitting at the table this early in the morning.

She was 24 and a quite room-mate so we got along great, when she wanted to go out she went out and didn’t bring a loud ruckus around when I was trying to work. It also didn’t hurt that we liked the same TV shows, so those moments I did have to relax and watch TV I didn’t have to fight over the channels with her. We both enjoyed crime dramas and comedys.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I lie holding back a smile as I typed away at my computer attempting to finish up the chapter I had started late last night after Spencer had left. Karen snorts and plops her feet up on the table leaning back in her chair. “You’re a horrible liar for a shrink.”

“I’m not a shrink,” I tell her rolling my eyes, “and there’s nothing to tell about Spencer.”

“Ohhh,” she sings her tone raising and falling, “pretty boy has a name.”
“Of course he has a name, everyone has a name” I retort before returning my focus to my computer screen. Maybe I’d bring my characters roommate in for some comedic relief. Lord knows I had enough inspiration.

“No need to get all smart on me I was just wondering if my chastity belt wearing roommate was finally getting some booty”
“I don’t wear a chastity belt!”
“Might as well, when was the last time I walked into the living room and caught you making out with a boy?”
“Never” I answer slowly dragging the word out, I knew where she was going with this.

“Exactly and when was the last time you caught me straddling some sexy piece of ass in the living room?”
I groan leaning back into my chair, “Two nights ago, but in my defense I didn’t find him attractive his bone structure didn’t really appeal to me. He’s more your type you typically go for men with broader shoulders and more bulk to them.”

Karen stares blankly for a moment before shaking her head grinning at me from across the table. “I hope this Spencer is a genius as well.”
I shrug turning my attention back to the computer screen once more.
“He’s smart enough”.

I hear Karen laugh and her feet thump as they hit the floor and she makes her way into our kitchen, beginning her morning ritual of banging through the cupboards looking for the food she wanted that most likely wasn’t there. She didn’t like the majority of the food I bought and usually stayed away from it choosing to live off of sugar packed cereals and various types of cakes. Well that’s what she chose to live off of when she remembered to go shopping, a thing I knew she hadn’t done in over a week.

“I might have some Pop Tarts in the snack cupboard” I call hearing her grumbling under her breath. After some rummaging her head pops around the corner a Pop Tart sticking out of her mouth, she gives a small victory dance taking a big bite out of the sugar packed pastry.

“Mmm sugar. What would I do without you Anne?”
“Die of hunger I’m sure, I’m doing some shopping today I have a few things to pick up if you want to come along.” I offer saving the current document I had been working on. Karen takes another large bite before nodding thoughtfully, wiping her mouth on her sleeve.

“Sounds good, need some help picking out condoms?”
“Joking, I was joking. I’m sure Spencer carries some anyways.”


Nervously I pace on the inside of the elevator pulling at the visitors’ badge that they had given me when I had arrived. Now that I thought about it my visit may not have been the best idea. It could just be wishful thinking but I had hoped that Spencer would accept my offer to go to get drinks and celebrate the finishing of my novel. Not that I had told him I wrote novels but some how I got the impression he knew, Spencer knew everything.

The elevator stops and I take a deep breath pushing my shoulders back and holding my head up high. Even if I didn’t feel confident I could look it, being in a building full of FBI agents and profilers had me on edge. I wonder if they knew I didn’t return money to some waitress back in college when she gave me too much change?

I look around the floor seeing a bunch of desks and offices not knowing exactly what I should be looking for. Obviously Spencer but I didn’t see him and this is where I had been directed. Maybe he had already gone home? Alright this was just a bad idea I can still sneak back out and just call Karen and have her meet me downtown.

“Can I help you?” a deep voice asks making me quietly cuss. So much for sneaking away, that would look a tad fishy now.
Turning I see an attractive and slightly familiar man leaning against a desk.

“You!” I exclaim pointing, “You’re the reason I didn’t get any sleep one night last month!” I narrow my eyes thinking back to the loud noises that had been the result of his and Karen’s escapades that night. When I left in the morning he had been walking out of our bathroom with a towel slung around his waist. It wasn’t the noise or towel that bothered me it was the fact I’d seen him over more then once, each visit months apart and it only happened when Karen went out clubbing with some of her friends. Either way he was a repeat and neither Karen nor I could even remember his name. She because she was always high intoxicated and me because he never introduced himself.

“You tracked me down to tell me that?” he asks smiling, I scoff shaking my head.
“Actually no, I’m looking for Spencer Reid, would you happen to know where I can find him?” I ask deciding against interrogating him for his name now would be useless, I’d probably see him in a few months anyways.

“I do,” he nods looking at me curiously, “I can’t figure out why you’re here to see him though. Did he step on your foot on the subway or something? You seem like the type of girl who holds a grudge.”

“No actually I had a personal inquiry” I smile hoping this would move the process along. He looks at me with calculating eyes for a moment before smirking.
“A personal inquiry eh? I’ll go get him then, you can inquire him as personally as you want then, in fact you can-“

“Just go get Spencer, Derek stop harassing his friends” a woman with dark hair orders as her head pops up from a nearby desk. I smile gratefully and she gives me a brief nod before returning to her work. I was thankful that she didn’t ask question I already felt embarrassed enough turning up at his work like this.

Spinning around I smile up at Spencer who looked shocked to seem me, I wasn’t sure if it was a good shocked or a bad shocked. Derek was following behind him with a shit-eating grin on his face and I could only probably guess as to why it was there. I highly doubted that Spencer was the type of guy who often had girls show up at his work for him.

“Hey sorry to drop in like this,” I apologize seeing a few more heads turn towards us now. I shift uncomfortably knowing that they were just curious and focus my attention back to Spencer. “I was wondering if you wanted to go get some dinner when you were finished up here? I was just at my publishers and it’s not far from here so I figured I’d see if you were hungry…”

I couldn’t actually remember the last time I had asked a guy to go to dinner with me, when I really thought about it I was pretty sure the last guy I had asked to go eat with was in fact Spencer and it was when we were kids.

”Mom! I’m hungry! When’s dinner ready? What are we having? Can I help?” I question in rapid fire earning a sigh from my mother who started to gently push me towards the front door of the house opening it and pushing me outside.

“Why don’t you just go play, I’ll call you when it’s ready”
I pout and stomp my way across the yard ignoring her laughter. She didn’t even give me enough time to grab a book. Noticing my brother rough housing with a few of the neighborhood boys I turn in the other direction walking down the street. I was 9 I could take care of myself.

Seeing one of my classmates from school I stop in front of his yard seeing him sitting cross-legged on his lawn a large book opened in the middle on his lap. “What are you reading now Spencer?” I tease knowing that like me he always had a book with him. Spencer glances up startled by my interruption making me blush as I knelt down in front of him sitting back on my heels.

“One of my Mom’s textbooks, she has to work late tonight so I came out here to read for a little while. Want to share?” he questions shyly. I nod eagerly and sit back using my arms to hold me up and listen as Spencer reads the book out loud.

It was at least an hour before the sun started to dim behind the trees and I could hear my Mom calling me from down the street. I offer Spencer a small smile as I stand brushing my shorts off before sticking my hand out offering to help him up.

“My Mom will have plenty of food ready, want to come over and eat? Of course you do you don’t want to have to wait for your Mom. Do you like pasta? I’m pretty sure my Mom was going to make pasta. Did you want to leave a note for your Mom? We can watch a movie after dinner if you want?”

Its with this memory in mind that I being my former ways of constant questioning.
“I’m allowed to be here right? I’m not going to get you into trouble? I can go wait downstairs if you like, I’m not in any hurry. Do you want to go home and change? I can drive you there first if you want. Unless you don’t want me to know where you live, I can close my eyes. Wait that won’t work I have to drive. Do you want to drive? I-“

“I understand that you are feeling uncomfortable but there really is no reason to Anne.” Spencer interrupts lightly resting his hand on my shoulder unsurely. I take a deep breath calming myself wondering why I hadn’t connected the constant questions to nerves before. “I can be ready in a few minutes if you don’t mind waiting.” He adds giving my shoulder a small squeeze, which surprised me. I nod and stare after him as he takes a folder off of his desk and walks quickly towards a hard faced man who was standing by the coffee machines.

I hear a door crash and the click of heels as a woman with bright red hair and brightly colored clothing comes rushing around the corner.
“Did they leave? Did I miss it? Reid has a girl up here?!”

I glance over at Derek and the dark hair women who were gesturing for her to quite down and hold back a blush the best that I could. To pass the time I check my coat pockets accounting for all of my possessions and make a to do list in my head doing my best to ignore the looks I was getting from the others. Finally I give up, and sigh looking over towards them with a defeated look.


This statement alone makes them spring into action and the red headed girl charges forward grabbing me into a hug.

“I’m Penelope Garcia and I want to know… how did you and Reid meet? Anything else about you I can look up in a second flat but that would be a question that I’d have to torture out of him.”
Glancing over at Spencer I see him still deep in conversation and turn my attention back to Penelope and the others.

“We met as kids, lived on the same street uh… my Mom babysat him sometimes. We kind of ran into each other a couple of weeks ago, it just has kind of gone from there. Catching up and what not.”

She seems to accept this answer which I was grateful for and I begin my pat down once more. I wasn’t too great with starting conversations or keep them going when I was uncomfortable, it wasn’t until I felt Spencer approach did I relax once more.

“Ready to go?”
Looking up I see him giving each of his co-workers a small glance, he then fiddled in his own pockets for a moment, awkwardly excusing us. Feeling thoroughly red in the face I fall into step beside him but not before hearing a small comment from Penelope which made me smile.

“Aren’t they cute?”