Status: Active

Remember Me..?


“How did you deal with going to university so young?” I question Spencer; he sat with one of my textbooks perched over his lap on my living room couch. It was a spot that he sort of adopted as his over the last few times he’s been here. He had a bit of a Sheldon, Big Bang Theory mentality to his seating arrangement now.

“Same way you did I suppose”
Shaking my head I move my clipboard up before looking down at the pages underlining a few sentences that could be taken out. I highly doubted that we had handled university the same way. I didn’t attend a lot of my lectures and took the professors notes rather then attending not wanting to draw attention to myself in the lecture hall. It wasn’t until I was 16 or 17 did I actually start going to the lectures when I found I could blend in with a bit of makeup or a hood. My first year was spent in my room, probably 80% of the time.

I watch as Spencer trails his finger down the center of the book as he reads, a page took him no more then about 40 seconds before he would move onto the next one. I knew he read fast but he read about twice as fast as I did. I skimmed a lot to; I was excellent at deducting what was important and what wasn’t in school.

“What are you working on?” Spencer questions a moment later closing the text and placing a bookmark into it. I was still surprised how far he had gotten I felt like I should quiz him on the material. Rather then lying I just gesture to the coffee table where the title page laid. “Novel, surely you un-coded the pen name by now.” I laugh watching as he picked up the stack of paper I had already edited over the last few days. I was only half done the book but I liked to edit along the way so I could fix things before the last bit.

“I have,” he admits giving me a small smile, “I was just waiting for you to tell me.”
Raising an eyebrow I examine his face for a moment, “Garcia wants an early copy doesn’t she?” I question seeing him struggle to keep his face straight.

The bright red heads presence had become somewhat common for me, if she knew that Spencer and I were going to be together she often called and asked to talk to me. I was almost beginning to dread the day I’d next see her because I knew she’d ask for my number.

“I told her I would mention it but you don’t have to, actually it is probably better if you don’t because it would distract her from her work.”
I shrug not really caring either way, there was always a few people who got early copies of my book, usually just Karen and my mother but it made me feel kind of special to have another person eagerly awaiting the novel. Well other then my publisher.

“Ever read my books Spencer?”
“Do you want me to?”
“You saying you haven’t yet?”

Spencer struggles for a moment before answering keeping the pages grasped in his hands. “I have, but if you had said you didn’t want me to I would have probably said I hadn’t if the idea had made you uncomfortable.”

“Awh how nice,” I coo, “you already want to lie to protect me.”
Spencer shrugs, “I’ve done it before you know.”

I open my mouth to retort but am distracted as Karen appears around the doorway gesturing towards the couch. I frown which causes Spencer to look over at her confused. Karen’s hands drop and she flashes him an innocent smile.
“Sup nerds?”
“Ignore her” I tell Spencer who gives her a wave in return before flipping to the first page of my edits. Karen once more gestures towards the couch and with her head and eyes looks at the spot beside Spencer.


I shift in my seat giving her a pleading look; in response she just shrugs and smirks before disappearing once more. I look over watching as Spencer speeds through the pages flipping them into a pile on the arm of the couch. There were a few ways this could go I could move and he be pleasantly surprised. Or, I could move and he become more uncomfortable and lecture me that he didn’t see this as anymore then friendship. I was hoping for the first option because over the last few weeks I didn’t view us as just friends. Maybe that was stupid of me, but I saw Spencer as someone who understood and could keep up with me. There weren’t many people like us.

About 10 minutes of my internal debate goes by while Spencer fly’s through the pages and eventually finishes with a thoughtful look on his face.
“Something wrong?” I ask standing from my spot and taking the 5 steps over to the couch and sitting down beside him. It was a good enough excuse right?

“The first few chapters mimic your other novels, then half-way towards the middle the writing get’s wittier and more light almost. That would usually signify a change in the writers personal life but since I’ve been around the last few weeks I can’t think of anything that would change the way you write.”

Leaning over him I remove the stack of papers form the arm of the couch not liking the chances they hand in falling over. I could feel my heart speed up at the closeness wondering just how smart he really was.

“No? Well I’ve just been feeling inspired lately.” I blush putting the papers onto the coffee table. I lean back into the couch beside Spencer briefly registering the time. It was late, it was always late when Spencer came over. Other than us bumping into each other and the night we went out to dinner we usually only found time to see each other during the hours of 10pm and 1 am.

His job kept him away or working late, I wasn’t one to complain though sometimes I was marking papers just as late or preparing material for my class. Through the last few weeks though hearing a knock at my door at 10:30 was usually an indication that Spencer was too worked up on his current local case to sleep and just wanted some company that wouldn’t discuss work.

I could do that.

“Well whoever he is, he surely means something to you.”
Rolling my head over to look up at him I smile, “You’re sure it’s a him eh?”
Spencer nods, “Your new character is male, it only makes sense.”

“True” I confirm, watching as he fidgets with his fingers before looking down, locking his gaze on mine. “You two are becoming close?”

I laugh at this realizing that he actually had no idea what was going on. He was talking about himself and as smart as he was he didn’t even realize it, science told me it was his insecurities, which held me at a different level thinking of me as untouchable. Thinking of me as someone who he couldn’t reach out to that I would overlook him.

“Well he’s over whenever he gets the time, brings food” I jester to the sushi bag, “and conversation. I would say we’re getting pretty close.”

Spencer’s mouth opens and closes, and for a moment I was sure I had rendered him speechless, until he let out a small ‘oh’. His face heats up with a blush and I feel my own face heat up slightly as well.

Spencer swallows and I watch as his Adam’s apple bobs in his slender throat.
“I was hoping you would say that” he admits quietly, I give him a shy smile and reach down gently placing my hand onto his.



I hate driving, I hate driving, I hate driving.
“LOOK OUT JACK-ASS!” I yell slamming the break down in my car. I thoroughly disliked driving and I hated how other drove. Well tried to drive anyways I don’t think may people actually knew how to drive.

It probably didn’t help that I was all keyed up, Spencer was getting home from a case tonight and I was on my way to pick him up from the hanger. It had been a week since I had seen him and to say I missed his presence was a bit of an understatement. I had grown used to seeing him and talking to him, we had only spoken once while he was gone and it had been early this morning when he told me he was coming home. I had offered to pick him up a split second later without a second thought, who cares if I sounded desperate at this point I needed a dose of Spencer.

He had become a fixture in my life over such a short time, I could remember how close we had once been as kids and what good company he was because of our similar personalities. It was his shyness though and awkwardness that made me want to be outgoing. I could almost feel the giddiness showing on my face, I was smiling and today I wasn’t going to try and hide it.

I pull up along side the fenced area where the Private jets landed and put the car into park before stepping out and shutting the door, leaning against the door with my back turned. It was early afternoon and I could feel myself overheating form the sun, my dress wasn’t offering much protection from the sun and I silently hoped I would tan slightly and loose that winter pale look I had been sporting for the last few months.

I scrunch my nose watching as cars drove by windows open with conversation flowing, my sunglasses were perched on my nose and I could feel my eyes zero-ing in on the smudges on the lenses. I’d have to clean those before I drove home of they’d bug me the whole way now.

“Airport pickup means bow chicka bow wow. I’m telling you Reid you got more game then I give you credit for.”
“Game? I don’t even know what you’re talking about anymore.” I hear familiar voices behind me. I spin around and raise my sunglasses to check and make sure they were the proper two people before I announced my presence.

I watch as Spencer walks beside his co-worker, duffle bag slung over his shoulder looking tired but well. I knew he’d been hurt before, kidnapped, shot, him walking off that plane gave some assurance that for now he was out of danger. Feeling my smile widen I rush around the back of the car stopping in-front of the two men who were well ahead of their other co-workers.

I consider my options for a moment before stepping forward and wrapping my arms around Spencer’s thin frame. He stiffened for a moment under me before his arms wrap around me one of his hands cupping the back of my head holding me to his chest.

Man he knew how to hug.