Status: This the first fan fiction I've written.

Words, Wars, and Symphonies

Words, Wars, and Symphonies Chapter 1

Well, here I am. I never thought I'd be here, but here I am.

I'm sitting on the couch snuggling and watching Aladdin with Ryan Ross. His couch. We've become pretty close since the accidental, but fortunate, run in at a club.

This is how it all went down:
I was having a rough day so I went to a local Las Vegas club.
I was having a great time there, forgetting about the past and living in the now.
I saw this really cute guy.
He was walking towards me! Do I have anything in my teeth? Is my hair okay?

As he got closer, I recognized him. Oh my god, that's Ryan Ross. Surely he must be headed over to the bar, right behind me. Ick. Alcohol. No. He's walking towards me! We even made eye contact!

I could hear my heart beat in my ears. Thump, thump, thump. Idiot! Slow yourself down! You don't want him to think you're a weird fan girl. Even though you totally are.

“Hey. I couldn't help, but notice you over here by yourself. You're really beautiful, you know that?” Wow. He had such a soothing voice. WAIT! He just said I was.... beautiful?!?! No way. Quick, woman! Think of something witty to say!

“You're pretty cute yourself,” I said with a wink. Cheesy, but it worked.

He let out a small chuckle. So adorable. “Wanna, uhhh, dance? Heheh...” Awww!

“I would love to,” I replied. Butterflies danced in my stomach.

We made our way out to the dance floor. The DJ must have spotted us, because he dedicated what seemed like the slowest song on the playlist to “the couple in the middle of the room”. That was us all right. We were in the middle of the room. Though I wouldn't say we were a couple. Yet. That would change later, but I didn't know it then.