Status: This the first fan fiction I've written.

Words, Wars, and Symphonies

Words, Wars, and Symphonies Chapter 3

I woke up in a room that was unfamiliar. Oh, wait. It was just Ryan's recording studio. We must have fallen asleep. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at the digital clock on the wall. 8:26 am. Ryan was still sleeping. He looked so innocent when he was sleeping. Enough of that though. I should probably call my roommate and tell her I'm okay.

I got out my phone and pressed two. She's on my speed dial. I pressed talk and heard the ring. “Hey Emi! Where have you been?”

“Hey, Jessica! I've just been at a friend's house out in the ci-” She didn't let me finish.

“A friend's house? What friend? Are you okay? Should I come pick you up?” She bombarded me with questions. Sometimes she could be a little too over protective.

“No! It's fine! I just wanted to let you know I'm alright. I'm sure.... they could bring me home.” I assured her.

“Okay, good. Wait, Lainey, they? Who is this? You're with a guy, aren't you?!”

“Jessie, we met last night! Don't worry though. He's nice.”

“How would you know?! He could be some creepy stalker! I'll come pick you up! What's the address?”

“Jessica, no! I'll tell you all the details when I get home! You'll be happy. I'm sure of it!” I told her, trying to sound convincing. I don't think it worked all that well.

“Okay... Be home by 4 though!” she said to me.

“Will do! Bye, Jessie. Love ya!”

“Love ya too! See you when you get here! I anything happens, go to the nearest store and call me!”

We hung up. My talking must have woken Ryan up. “Who's Jessie?” he questioned, with a hint of jealously floating in his words. Obviously he thought it was a guy.

“Just my roommate, Jessica. I called her to let her know I'm alright.”

“You didn't tell her you were with me did you?”

“I was going to when I saw her. I'll tell her not to let a word out to anyone though!”

“I don't know, Lainey. The press will get a hold of that and we will be all over the tabloids. I don't want to put you through that.”

“I'll be fine, Ryan. It wouldn't be the first time,” I mumbled that last part.

“What was that?”

“Huh? Oh, just talking to myself is all,” I told him, regretting it immediately. I bet I sounded stupid.

“Oh! I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that,” he said with the most beautiful smile ever. It made me smile back. I felt better.

“Wanna go to Tropical Smoothie Cafe and get some smoothies for breakfast?” He asked, pulling me close to him.

“Okay, but I don't have any clean clothes,” I pulled away. Too fast for me. It didn't matter who he was.

“We can wash the ones you're wearing. I'll get you a big t-shirt to wear until then.” He seemed kind of upset. I frowned at this. I didn't want him upset.

I took the cerulean blue t-shirt into the bathroom and changed. It came down to my knees. I stepped out to see Ryan.

“Hey, babe,” Ryan said to me.

“Hey,” I said. I didn't know we were that close. Babe, huh?

“I'll take that.” He took the clothes from my hands and I followed him into a room near the back of the house.

He put the clothes in the machine and turned it to “small load”, “cold”. I watched as he poured the laundry detergent in. That boy made everything he did look like he was modeling.

“Okay then! Let's go watch some Spongebob while we wait.”

“Superb idea,” I said enthusiastically. Maybe a little too enthusiastically. He gave me a funny look.

“You like Spongebob?” he asked as we sat down on the couch, “I thought I was the only one my age who did. We seem to have a couple of things in common! I'm glad, too, because I really like you, Lainey.”

“Aheh.... soooo, Spongebob! Let's watch, shall we?” I was terrible under pressure. I felt so bad though. I liked him too. I couldn't tell him that yet. This whole thing was crazy. I was starting to think I should ask him to take me home right then. That was until....

“RYAAANNN! Hey, buddy!” Brendon said bursting through the door. “Oh, who's this? She's cute, Ryan.” He had come in right when the first episode ended. People must detect my low self confidence. They always try to cheer me up.

“Hey, Brendon, could you tone it down a little? This is Lainey. I met her last night,” Ryan said in that soothing voice of his. He ran his hand over my long, dark brown hair.


“Oh! Sorry I'll be right back! I have to go put the clothes in the dryer.” I tried to go with him, but he insisted I sit and get to know Brendon. I didn't want to do that. I wanted to be with Ryan for as long as possible. Oh, well at least I can chat with Brendon. Wait, chat with Brendon.... Urie. I started to shake with nervousness. I don't think he noticed. He was so intent on watching Spongebob. Commercial.

“So, Lainey, is it? Ryan brought you to the house at night? Haha, what a creep,” he said jokingly. I didn't find it too funny.

Defensively I straightened up and said, “Ryan isn't a creep! I happen to think he's a genuinely nice person! We hit it off at the club so-”

“Sorry, woman! Just kidding.” He winked. That eased my spirits a bit.

“Okay, so do you live here, too?” I asked him.

“Yeah, the four of us all live here. Did you happen to spend the night?” he asked me.

I felt my face get hot as I got embarrassed. “Yeah. We fell asleep in the recording studio. That's a pretty cool room.”

“Awww! This is so cute! You're getting embarrassed!” My stomach grumbled. He must have noticed. “Oh, Jon and Spencer will be here in a while. They're getting some food from Wendy's. Lemme call 'em real quick.”

I heard the phone ring as he called them. He should turn the volume down. That's not good for his hearing.

Ring, ring! Ring, ring! There was a short pause. Ring, ring! Ri-

“Hey Brendon, what's goin' down?!” I heard a voice say. I couldn't tell if it was Jon or Spencer.

“Hey, Jon!” Question answered. “Pick up an extra cheeseburger!” He put his hand over the receiver. “You like cheeseburgers, right, Lainey?” I nodded. He removed his hand. “We have a guest over!”

“Alright! Someone new to talk to!” Jon seemed happy. I giggled. “Who is this mysterious new being? Is it a girl?!” I couldn't help it. I exploded in giggles!

Oh look, Ryan was back! I stood up and hugged him, still laughing. He seemed not to know what was going on. He hugged me back anyways. “What could you have possibly done to her in the little time I was gone, Brendon?”

Brendon just shrugged and went back to talking on the phone.

I calmed down after that, still with the occasional laugh.

Amazing how I was already getting along with them.