Status: This the first fan fiction I've written.

Words, Wars, and Symphonies

Words, Wars, and Symphonies Chapter 4

Brendon, Ryan, and I sat there by each other watching Spongebob. We laughed together, and I'd have to say it was one of the best times I've had this week. I snuggled up to Ryan and leaned my head on his shoulder. I was beginning to like cuddling with him. He was so gentle with me, as if I were a fragile porcelain doll. Brendon seemed to notice us being so close.

“Hey. Hey, Ryan. Looks like you have a girl friend! Am I right? Are you guys going steady now? Hey, Ryan, did you give her a ring yet? Aren't you supposed to do that?” Brendon wouldn't give up. I decided to turn this around on him, just for the fun of it.

“Yeah, we are SO going out! Where's your lady, Brendon? She invisible or something?” I laughed at my own joke.

“You're so funny, Lainey,” said Brendon sarcastically with a smirk on his face. “To be honest, I have girls throwing themselves at me, and the bruises to prove it!” The last part was a joke, I could tell.

“There's no doubting that, Brendon! You are a handsome man, but you're too immature to be in a relationship.”

“Hey! Ryan! Did you hear that?! She called me immature,” Brendon pouted.

I looked at Ryan. He was stifling his laughter, trying not to upset his friend. This made me burst out in laughter, which made him burst out in laughter. Brendon left the room.

Ding dong!

There's the door bell. Ryan guided me to the front door. He was holding my hand.

When we opened the door, we saw Jon and Spencer with arms full of Wendy's bags.

“Food!” Ryan almost screamed. Clearly it was because we hadn't eaten all day. I looked at Ryan's watch. 10:34 am. I had 326 minutes with them before I had to be back to Jessica.

They set the food down on the kitchen table. Jon went to get Brendon.

“So, I see Jon was right! You are a girl! A very gorgeous girl,” he said with that Spencer Smith charm. I could tell he was just being nice. There's no way he thought I was gorgeous. I smiled and thanked him anyways. All of these boys so far have commented me on my looks. This really meant more to me than any of them could ever guess, even though I don't agree.

Jon walked in with Brendon. The two of them were happily chatting away.

I locked eyes with Jon. He had such brilliant hazel eyes. Just like mine. He had the faintest smile dancing across his lips. All I could think to say was, “I like your hair,” but I didn't. That would sound stupid.

We all sat down at the table with our meals. They had gotten me a Frosty. Man, do I love Frosties! I thanked Jon and Spencer for getting me food.

“Naw, it was all Spencer. He's the one who ordered and payed,” Jon said. The first words he'd spoken to me.

“Well, thank you, Spencer! I really appreciate it.” I took a bite out of my cheeseburger. Mmmm, I didn't realize how hungry I had been.
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Extremely short chapter. Sorry again.