Status: This the first fan fiction I've written.

Words, Wars, and Symphonies

Words, Wars, and Symphonies Chapter 6

On our walk, I had a chance to talk to each of the guys. I talked to Jon first. We mainly talked about our favourite things. He said one of his favorite things was a girl who has a nice personality. This made me sad. He's not interested in me. I could have figured that out before now. Stupid. That's what you are, Emi. You're stupid.

Why do I care? I'm practically dating Ryan, aren't I? I'm a mess. I don't even know anything about myself or anything else.

“Lainey, what are a few of your favourite things?” Jon was asking me a question.

“Uhhh, I like Ryan's scarves. I guess I also like your eyes.” No, Lainey. Stop trying to flirt. He doesn't even like you that way.

But he pulled me closer. His hand crept towards mine. I couldn't....

“Ryan! I need to talk to Ryan.” I felt bad leaving Jon, but I had to confirm something.

“Lainey? Are you alright?!” Ryan looked back at me. I think he heard my faint shout. He started walking towards me, just like the first day we met. I met him halfway.

“Ryan. I need to know something. I'm going to be blunt about this. Are we dating? You know, boy friend/ girl friend?” I cringed, thinking those words might make him upset.

“That's what I was hoping for,” Ryan said, with a confused look on his face. “How come?”

“I have to go tell Jon something. I'll be back in a sec.” But he grabbed my arm.

“Was he making you feel uncomfortable?” He was close to it. “I could talk to him if you want me to.”

“Maybe.... you could just come with me.” I thought this was better. I wanted to clear things up before I became even more distraught.

We walked over to Jon, hand in hand. I dropped Ryan's hand when we stopped.

“Hey Lainey. Hey Ryan! Were you two just holding hands? Do I spy a pair of love birds? That's so adorable!” Jon didn't seem upset by it. Ugh. I misinterpret everything. But I'm glad only one guy likes me as more than a friend. It makes things easier.

Actually, I was just glad someone liked me.

“Hey, just wanted to tell you we're dating, but I guess you noticed,” I said to Jon.

“Yeah, kids. It's no secret. Except to Brendon. He gets lost on all of this relationship stuff unless it's his own,” Jon replied. Wow. Spencer and Jon already knew? Hmph. Weird. I was just finding out.

“I'm going to talk to Spencer! Okay, Sweets?”

“Yeah, go on ahead, Lain!” Ryan seemed to not mind. He gave me a nickname, Lain. I didn't really like it, but no way was he ever going to find out.

I knew exactly what I was going to talk to Spencer about. Ryan.

“Spencerrr!!!” I yelled, attack hugging him.

“Hey, cutie! How are you on this fine day?” He was so kind to me. With him I could tell we were no more than friends. I was thankful for that.

“I'm fine, as fine as I've ever been!” I could tell he didn't know that wasn't saying much. “How are you?”

“I was feeling great, but now I feel more than great! You're here,” he said with that smile of his.

“I need to talk to you about Ryan!” There were just some things I needed to know.

“Go for it, love,” Spencer said.

“What kind of things does he like? I wanted to get him a presen-” Spencer cut me off.

“Love, listen to me. You don't have to get him anything! I'm sure all he could ask from you is you.” Spencer had this way of making me feel better. It was like we had known each other all these years, even though we had just met today.

“Thanks, Spencer! I still kind of want to know what Ryan's favourite things are,” I said, trying not to sound like a creeper.

“Well, he really like books! If you put a book in front of him, he will read it! Watch where you leave your books.” He laughed and looked down at his shoes.

“I'll try.” We both chuckled. “Well, I guess I'll talk to you later, Spencer! Ryan has my number! Call me anytime!”

One last man I hadn't talked to since sitting on the couch. Brendon. I caught up with him and our steps fell into unison. He was humming a little tune. I immediately recognized it to be the theme song to Jimmy Neutron. I loved that show.

“Hi, Brendon,” I smiled. He seemed to still be caught up in his song. Maybe if he could see me.... I stepped into his view. “Hi!” I said again.

“Hey! Lainey! Having a good time?” He feigned interest in how I was feeling. Or I thought he was.

“Yeah! It's been nice getting to know all of you guys.”

“It's been nice getting to know you too, Lainey,” he said grinning like a maniac

“Heheh... So, I'm sorry about earlier today. I was just messing around, you know.” I felt so bad. I could feel the tension between us.

“Oh, yeah. I was just acting when I stormed to my room. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, pretty lady.” There it was again. Another compliment. It makes me feel better about myself, until I realise that's why they say it all.

“Oh, good! I really didn't want you to be mad at me... I was wondering how Jon calmed you down so quickly. This is probably the longest walk I've ever been on. I don't go on many walks though.”

“Well, I'm glad you're on this walk with me. If it were just me and the guys, I wouldn't have had as much fun. I like spending time with you! You seem like an amazing person. I like that,” Brendon was flirting? No, it was just my imagination. But then...

Brendon brought his lips to mine and kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Left you hanging? Good! Suspense brings them back ;D Going to start Chapter 7. If you like my story, subscribe. Things will get so much more intense in later chapters.