Status: This the first fan fiction I've written.

Words, Wars, and Symphonies

Words, Wars, and Symphonies Chapter 8

“JESSIE!” I yelled from the door. “I've missed you, hun!” I saw her head peer above the back of the couch. She was watching one of her sit-coms again. I took a seat next to her. “So how have you been? Ready for movie night?”

She replied rather eagerly, “I can't WAIT for movie night! We need to leave now! Let's go get some snacks and rent ten billion movies!” I loved how enthusiastic she always was.

“Let's go!” I said as she grabbed the keys. “We should rent something scary!” I wasn't too sure if I meant that though.

“Are you sure about that? Last time you watched something scary, you wouldn't sleep on your own for a month! And that was just The Corpse Bride! How about we rent movies with Michael Cera in it? I know how much you like him, Lainey! No hiding it now!” I blushed. She was right, I had a thing for Mikey C.

“That sounds like a great idea, Jessie. But what about something you want to watch? I know you like the Pirates of The Caribbean series! Johnny Depp! You like him! He's, like, 25 years older than you!” She playfully hit me in the arm and I returned the favor. “We could get the Secret Window or Edward Scissorhands if you want to. I might be kinda scared during those though.”

“You could sleep in my room,” she told me, rubbing my arm where she hit it. We were fortunate enough to have dorms separated by a glass door, so we could have some privacy. We usually left the door open and would come and go as we pleased. We were so used to each other, even though she was two years older than me. She was like an older sister to me and I was so comfortable around her. She's the only person who I can be myself around. My stupid silly self.

We chose out a couple of movies. We were planning on pulling an all nighter. That probably wouldn't happen though. We picked out Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist, all of the Pirates of The Caribbean movies, Juno, Edward Scissorhands, Scott Pilgrim VS The World, The Tourists, and Zombieland. Even though Zombieland didn't contain our crushes, it was going to be our finale movie. Obviously, Jessica had to talk me into it. I was going to be so freaked during it.

We got snacks too. The kind of snacks you would find in a movie theater. When I picked up the Mike and Ikes, Jessie came up from behind me and said, “Oh, you like Mike and Ikes?” We both burst out laughing, remembering the first time we watched that MAD TV skit with each other. We also got popcorn, M&M's, Skittles, and Coca-Cola.

As we were driving home, Jessica turned on the radio. I Write Sins Not Tragedies was playing. As much as I love the song, I had to turn it off. “Why'd you do that, Lainey? I actually liked that song...” Jessie said with a frown. “I'm not in the mood for music right now,” I lied. I just couldn't handle hearing his voice. It brought back the latest memory I had of him. I cringed. Jessica didn't notice. She was humming the song I had just turned off. This seemed like it was going to be a long ride home. But then she stopped.

“Lainey, when we get home, you're telling me about your late night city adventure! You better not leave out a single detail,” she laughed. I wasn't planning to. Just their names. Ryan told me he'd prefer if I didn't tell Jessie exactly who they were. I respected his privacy. I'd tell her later.

When we got back to our dorm parking lot, we unloaded the back of the car. We walked up the concrete steps to our door. I set my bag down and fumbled for the keys in my purse. Where were those keys...? Ah! Found them. I put the key in the key hole and turned it to the left. The door opened, not to my surprise. We walked in and put our bags down on the coffee table.

“Which movie should we watch first?”

“One with Johnny Depp!” Jessica said. I was expecting that from her. “How about we watch all of the Pirates movies, since we've already seen those in the theaters? You need to tell me about last night!!!”

“...Yeah, that's fine. So, I was at the club.....” I told Jessie everything. Even their names. She was my best friend! I had to tell her! I hadn't really looked her in the eyes the whole time I was telling the story.


“I... I don't know!!! I'll ask Ryan,” I calmly said as I pulled out my phone.

“You... You have his NUMBER?!?!”

“Yeah. We're hanging out again on Tuesday. I'd need a way to get in touch with him,” I said, surprisingly nonchalant.

“You... and.... him... and... OH MY GOD, LAINEY!!!”

bing ding ding ding doo. I got a text from Ryan.

“He said 'I guess that's okay, but be prepared for paparazzi. They'll swarm to you if they find out. Haha' Then he put a winky face. He's so cute!” I was blushing like mad!

“Ooooo! I can't wait!”

Jessica was not a very patient girl. She going to be bouncing off the walls the next few days! This is going to be a monotonous wait.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. It's been a while. I was inspired to start writing this story again. This chapter isn't terribly long, but it's what I have to offer. Please comment and subscribe :D