Sometimes, I Just Can't Stand You

No, I really don't wanna say.

'So, Georgie. You ever killed someone?' Gerard asked me that private question on the third night of going out with him. Yes, night. He doesn't like daylight either.

'Uh... Gerard. I really..' I began but he stopped walking and turned to me, looking me dead in the eyes. I couldn't hold his gaze, it was too.... creepy.

I dropped my eyes to the floor. 'Yes.' I said in a small voice. 'Yes.. I have killed someone.' I admitted quietly.... ashamedly. 'But.. it wasn't my fault. I was young... couldn't control myself. I was.... desperate.' I finished, and looked up to his face, tears welling in my eyes.

'Hey... it's okay.' he whispered. The moonshine lit up his face, and he smiled. 'It's okay,' he repeated, pushing the hair away from my face. 'Come here,' he said, and pulled me into a hug.

I cried, and he asked why I was crying. 'We all do it, we all kill, Georgie. We all kill, we have to. To live.' he told me quietly, stroking my hiar and kissing it.

I shook my head, 'No, no Gerard. You don't understand.... I didn't have to kill her... I could have gone out, I have a friend who... who..' I couldn't finish.

'Donates blood.' Gerard finished my sentence.

I nodded, but then began to shake my head again. 'I could have gone to his, I could have held on. I didn't mean to kill her... she was so important. So precious to me...' I cried into his shoulder.

'Who? Who, Georgie? Who did you kill?' he asked pushing me slightly away, and kissing me. I could feel his fangs when he kissed me, they were sharper than mine.

I drew away, not wanting to cut my mouth and give him an opportunity to... well, I knew him, but I didn't exactly trust him yet.

'Who?' he asked again. I swallowed and said it.

'My mother,' and dropped to the ground crying.