Sometimes, I Just Can't Stand You

Oh... it's you.


We went round the back of the house. I didn't recognise it. It was day. We went a different way. And, it didn't feel familiar at all.

'Come on, this way.' Gerard said as he opened the back gate, and walked down the little winding path.

I'd never been out this side of the house before, that's why I didn't know who it belonged to.

Oh... now I recognise. The dogs at the door. Yes... that smell of... well, smell of the dead, basically.

'Hi, Frank.' Gerard said, and Frank grinned as he opened the door. Then, he looked past Gerard, and his eyes came to rest on me.

'Georgie? What the hell? You know... Gerard? Gerard... you know,' he asked stupidly.

'Yeah. I know Georgie. She knows me. We all know you. Yay.' Gerard said unenthusiastically.

'Oh, don't sound too pleased will you?' I retorted back and pushed him into the house.


We immediately got bombarded by the dogs. I hate them so much. And, they always malt all over me! The hair gets up my nose and makes me grumpy for days.

Frank used to lock the dogs away, but they were so desperate to see me, the Leonberger (biiiig dog) smashed the whole door down. Yes, big dog.

Georgie seemed pleased to see the dogs, and the dogs seemed pleased to see Georgie. All 17 of them placed themselves at her feet, squashing each other, biting and growling warningly all the while.

'So, what you guys doing here? Together?' Frank asked cautiously. I put my head up after drinking deep in my mug of.... well, it wasn't tea.

'We met in the park, and I thought she looked like she was in need of a drink. So, I brought her to you, and here we are.' I said simply.

Frank raised his eyebrows. 'Riiight. Cool! So, come on!' he said as he abruptly stood up.

'Come on?' Georgie asked. 'Where are we going?' she frowned.

'Oh, Georgie. Dogs need walking too!' Frank said smiling. He pulled her up and pushed her out the door.