Status: Don't know when I'll update, but I'll try to keep up with it. =)

Meet the Band: Song For You

Song 1

Nobody is born expecting great things to happen to them. No one can account for the grandeur that will overtake their lives. And no one--especially those who wish to be left in peace--could ever dream that one day their whole life would be turned upside down on a chance meeting, tumbling them head-first into a world they never even wanted to set foot in.
Yet, here I was, plain and boring (or at least I liked to think of myself that way) Merideth Ells, in the backstage bedroom of an internationally-known band I had only heard of last week. How did this happen, you might ask? I wasn't exactly sure myself, but I was almost positive that this was all Tammy's fault. And there was no doubt in my mind she was enjoying every minute of it.


A Week Earlier

"So, I got tickets to Just 4 U!" Tammy yelled excitedly as she bounced towards me. She had short hair, like me, but hers was more of a bob than a close-cut, and she was always changing the color. This week she was going for an odd purplish-blue. Her bright, light-brown eyes shone at me as she leaned on my desk. "You're coming, aren't you?" She slapped a ticket on the table top, her small hands making a remarkably loud noise. "I got one especially for you!"
I squinted up at her. "Who is this Just 4 U?"
Murmurs and gasps of astonishment came from the girls around me. Tammy was normally surrounded by everyone, being very popular and way too cute for a college student. Why she chose to hang out with a loner like me wasn't something I could figure out, but here we were.
Her eyes widened, making her already childlike face look even younger. "How can you not know?! They're only the biggest, most popular craze right now!"
"Five members," a girl informed me.
"Shin," one put in.
"Snow," another sighed.
"Jinho," the first girl continued.
"Jewel is the cutest!"
"You can't forget Song!" Tammy said. She smiled at me. "He's my fave. He's not exactly the type to stand out, but he's so dreamy!" She shook her head. "Anyway. Just 4 U is the international Korean Pop band that debuted in the states two months ago. They've been touring and are finally gonna be in the area! I can't wait! I've been listening to them since they first came out over in Korea."
"That was two years ago," that first girl said teasingly. "Stalker."
Tammy stuck her tongue out. "They're worth it. A band that sings in both Korean and English? You don't get that just anywhere. And the lyrics! God, I could listen to them all day."
"You already do," I pointed out. There wasn't a moment where she didn't have her ear buds in, cranking music. I was the same, but we didn't really listen to the same style.
"Will you come, Meri?" she pleaded again, giving me the full power of her cute look. "Please? I really want you to try at least once."
"But I-"
"If you don't like them, then you won't ever have to go again," she allowed. "Promise. Ple-e-ease."
I bit my lip. "Well. . . Okay. I guess once is alright." She jumped for joy and pushed the ticket at me. "When is it?"
"It's in a week! On Wednesday, thank God, so we don't have to worry about class the next day." She frowned at me. "It's a concert, so you don't have to dress up, you know. Don't wear anything fancy. And don't be late."
I smiled softly at her as I stood, heading out of class. "I won't, I won't. No worries."
The rest of the week was spent with my nose in a book or researching this band. I wasn't about to go see a concert knowing little to nothing about who I was seeing or what I was listening to. Their music was pretty good, I had to admit. The first music video I'd come across, I'd nearly laughed my head off watching, thinking it was some joke, but the music had a way of sticking with you. After about a day, I was humming the tune, unable to get it out of my head. So, of course, I went searching for it again and found that it wasn't so bad the second time around. That led to another song, and then another and another until I had listened to them all and had picked out my favorites.
When the concert rolled around, I was prepared. I just wasn't sure if I was dressed correctly. Tammy had said not to dress up, but that didn't exactly mean to wear sweatpants. So, I had opted for a pair of black skinny jeans tucked into my soft suede ankle boots and over-sized shirt with a large belt. Wearing a white camisole underneath made it far more comfortable than it seemed. With my ticket tucked in my front pocket and my phone with it's jingling strap bouncing from my back pocket, I was set.
Tammy had called just as I'd come to the large concert hall to tell me to go in without her since she would be late. Not exactly thrilled, I went in and was shocked by the noise. Girls were everywhere and a dusting of men popped through the enormous crowds that were chattering excitedly from seats that lined the floors and balconies that wrapped behind and above me. The stage itself was huge with runways splitting the crowds down the middle, left side and right side. Lights, bright and blinding, illuminated the area and ushers were walking up and down, helping people find their seats. Seats I was sure were going to be empty once the music started.
Finding an usher, I showed him my ticket. He gave me a rather mysterious smile before showing me to one of the rows near the middle runway. Sort of like a center-stage, front-row seat. Tammy had definitely gotten good tickets.
And then I waited . . . And waited. About a half an hour in and still no sign of Tammy, I was getting antsy. There was no doubt that I had over-dressed. Everyone here was sporting logo-ed tees of the band and comfortable jeans. With my obvious oddball appearance, I stuck out like a sore thumb.
Checking my watch, I noticed it was nearly starting time. Five more minutes and the show would start.
My cell rang, the vibration jerking me straight and rewarding me with a few curious glances of the surrounding girls. Looking at the caller ID, I saw that it was Tammy and gratefully picked up.
"Meri!" she exclaimed after I answered. "I'm really sorry, but I won't make it! My brother got sick and you know how he is."
"You're not coming?" I asked, a little alarmed.
She sighed. "Yeah. Seems like it. There will be other concerts, you know? The band is going to be in this area for a month and a half, so I'll go see another one!"
"But you-"
"You have to stay!" she continued, obviously not hearing my comment. "I want to hear what you thought and all the juicy details. Take pictures with your phone and send them to me!" She paused. "Sounds like it's starting. Have fun! Love you!"
"Hey! Ta-" She hung up and I was left staring at my phone as the crowd suddenly started screaming, people standing around me as the house lights went off. I frowned, shoving my phone in my pocket and stayed seated. I was here to enjoy the music, not scream and disturb those around me like a brainless idiot.
I suppose the concert wasn't at all like I'd expected, but since I'd never been to a concert, I couldn't compare it to anything. The lights were blinding sometimes and soft at others, like the group was. The five members danced and sang, pumping up the crowd as they touched hands and jumped around the stage. It was fun to watch them, wondering what outfits they'd come out in next or what they were going to do, but I did so from my seat. Since I had such a great view anyway, there was no point in moving. At one point, though, I thought that I had made eye contact with the members. They had nearly stumbled in surprise, but it had been so small that I was left guessing if it had actually happened or not.
When the concert came to a close nearly two hours later the band addressed the audience.
"We hope you enjoyed the concert," one yelled into the mic with an accented voice and the crowd went nuts. "We thank you for coming out and have one more surprise for you!"
"We have ten ticket numbers here, so listen up to see if they are yours," another yelled, grabbing the mic. "If one set is, then you get to come back stage and sit with us for a while!"
Good Lord. . . The crowd nearly made my ears bleed at that particular announcement.
Curious more than excited, I pulled out my ticket as they read off the sets of numbers, passing down the mic as girls from sections of the audience went insane. Surprisingly, I was number eight on their list. Not particularly excited, but thinking I might as well, I went over to an usher as a spotlight flashed on my seat and the girls around me congratulated me with equal envy and excitement. The last person turned out to be a guy, but it seemed he wasn't giving up his ticket for anything.
The ushers did their jobs and led us through the crowd, surrounding us so the other fans didn't mob us and steal our tickets. They took us back through a door behind the barred fenced that outlined the stage and threw us all in a room lined with couches and chairs, informing us that they would call us one by one and we'd each have ten to fifteen minutes with the band before we would be led out. The rest of the ushers filed out, leaving one at the door to guard--probably so we didn't go poking about.
A woman of my age who was short and pretty with wavy brown hair tied at the back of her neck came in with a smile. Her green eyes were wise and kind and I instantly liked her. Her sense of style was modestly chic. In a tasteful pencil-skirt and a baggy white button-up tucked in, she was the epitome of professionalism, but oozed a comfortable air that instantly calmed the room. Yup. Definitely liked her.
"Hello," she greeted us in a low-ish, soothing voice. "I'm Laurel Thomas, Just 4 U's manager. I will be escorting you back to greet the band one by one, starting with the last number called."
The one man of the small group stood excitedly and began chatting animatedly as he followed Ms. Thomas out, leaving us to wait. I figured things would be quiet, the people keeping to themselves like strangers would, but, instead, as soon as the door shut, the girls began squealing and talking with delightful exclamations. One of them even got up to talk to the guard, trying to get more information about what the members were like off-stage. Of course, I stayed in my seat, crossing my legs and taking in the room and those in it.
The room was like a reception area, really. The couches and chairs soft and white, the walls a powder blue until the crown molding halfway down the wall where the paint was white. The one coffee table was made of white plastic with a clear, glass top. Magazines covered the left side and there was a small fridge beyond it. Pictures of blue flowers hung on the walls as well as framed posters advertising famous artists who had performed here.
I picked up a magazine, sighing quietly and sinking comfortable in my seat to wait. After a few minutes of flipping through it, I closed the superficial tabloid and set it back on the table. It was when I was looking through the magazines (finally finding something worth reading in the form of National Geographic) that one of the young girls leaned forward in her seat, her brown eyes wide with curiosity. She couldn't have been more than fifteen, her blonde hair pulled into a sloppy bun and her glaring pink shirt with the faces of the band and their logo all over her chest, and her high, squeaky voice was just this side of annoying.
"Aren't you excited?" she asked with a little too much ferver.
My brows rose. "Um. . Yes?" It came out as a question and I cursed myself, closing the mag I had just opened to come up with something that didn't make me look like the outsider. "Well, yes. I mean, I'm just not good at showing it."
She frowned. "But aren't you nervous?"
"I'm shaking in my sneakers," one of the other women chimed in. "My daughter's going to be so jealous."
"Well," I started. "I just learned about them a week ago."
The girls eyes brightened. "Oh! A new fan! No wonder you're so quiet. What's your favorite song? Have you listened to-"
She was cut off when the door opened and Ms. Thomas appeared again, sending the room into anticipated silence. She flipped through the papers on her clipboard and smiled professionally at the room. "Number 348B, come this way."
The girl in front of me jumped up, hyper and more excited than before. It kind of scared me, to be honest, and I was glad to be rid of her, but, Lord, had it really been fifteen minutes already? I checked my watch and my eyes widened. Holy crap! It had been half an hour. Where had all the bloody time gone?
Shaking my head, I opened the magazine again and began reading an excerpt on odd laws throughout the United States. I was just wondering how they enforced the law in Texas which states it's illegal to have sex with the lights on when the door opened again. I checked my phone for the time and, sure enough, I'd been reading for half an hour. It was kind of daunting to think that there were that many outrageous and odd laws.
"Number 32A, please," she said with another smile.
Unlike the last two fans, I calmly set my magazine back on the table and rose, coming over to the woman and offering a hand. "Hello, Ms. Thomas," I greeted her with a polite smile of my own. "I'm Merideth Ells."
Her brows rose in curiosity and she gave me a once over before shaking my hand. Her smile turned genuine. "A pleasure to meet you. Come this way, please." Out in the hall, she sighed. "Thank God you seem to be normal."
My own brows rose in surprise. Me? Normal? Those wore two words put in the same sentence before. Yeah. I definitely liked her.
I laughed a little. "I don't think 'normal' describes me, but thank you."
She snorted, waving a hand in dismissal. "You're not a screaming fangirl or an obsessed fanboy. That makes you normal in my book." She sighed as if she were a martyr. "That's the only thing I hate about this job: having to deal with fans. It's hard to keep smiling when you're annoyed, but I guess it's understandable."
We turned a corner down the hall as I answered. "Yes, I suppose it would be. Many people get excited around celebrities."
She smiled at me. "You don't seem all that excited."
I shrugged and was just about to say something, when she stopped walking. We were standing in front of one of many nondescript doors that lined the long and narrow hall. Besides the tiny star sticker on the doorknob, I never would have guessed that international pop stars were behind it. Which was probably why they were placed here.
Ms. Thomas smiled at me again, her hand on the knob. "Here we are. It was nice meeting you, Ms. Ells. Someone will come to escort you out in half an hour." She opened the door and, suddenly, she was speaking Korean. I heard my name mixed in with what she was saying, but otherwise didn't understand any of it. I was guessing she was introducing me and wondered if we would need translators.
My question was answered when the members all stood when I stepped around Laurel.
"It's that girl!" the one I knew to be Jinho exclaimed in an accented voice.
"'That girl'?" Laurel asked, raising a questioning brow at me.
"She almost made us trip onstage," Min--the member known as "Snow"--accused.
I crossed my arms, slightly miffed. "I did no such thing. I was only watching."
"Thank you, Laurel," Shin, the leader, told us with a kind smile. "I think we'll be okay now. You can go rest."
Laurel gave him a skeptical look. "Play nice." She gave a little bow and closed the door behind her, leaving me alone with the band.
I looked around. The room was the same as the office-slash-lobby they had kept us in before except, instead of blue and white, this was black and white, the couches and chairs in comfortable leather.
"So, do I bow or shake your hand?" I asked them. "I'm not exactly sure what's appropriate considering our customs are different."
They all glanced at each other before Shin asked, "Aren't you excited to meet us?"
My brows rose. "Of course."
"Then why aren't you screaming?" Song asked in a dry, sort of gravelly sounding voice.
"Or asking questions?" Juil, the youngest member, asked in a soft voice.
I frowned, my brows drawing together in slight confusion. "Well, you guys are just regular people under all the lights and makeup. I figure you ought to be treated the same as everyone else."
Once again, they shared a look, then smiled broadly. Their expressions of delight left me momentarily stunned and blinded. I mean, who wouldn't be affected if five gorgeous guys suddenly smiled at them? I wasn't that immune.
"I'm Shin," the leader introduced himself, taking my hand. "Won't you come and sit with us?"
I gave him a polite smile. What a gentlemen. "Thank you." I followed him over to the small space they had set up for what seemed more like interviews than visits and sat on one of the two black couches facing each other. The group decided to crowd onto the opposite one.
They stared at me and I stared right back, taking in each of their faces. When I'd first looked them up, I had difficulty putting a name to the features, but now, it was easy as pie.
Shin was the furthest on the left. With obviously dyed, reddish-brown hair, he had rather narrow eyes even for someone of Asian decent. His nose was a little on the long side and somewhat flat at the end. Because of the show, he was kind of pale and his eyeliner was smudged, but his kind face looked energized, his round, full mouth offering unyielding smiles. He flicked his head as I watched him, sending his shaggy a longish hair across his forehead, exposing briefly short, square brows. Though he was the leader, Shin was second in lead vocals with a high a slightly nasal voice that had amazing range and was completely different than any of the other members.
Next to Shin was Jinho, the wild member with the power-house voice. He was lead vocals and for good reason; his voice could be soothing when quiet and impacting when loud, but, either way, it was clear and perfectly tenor. He would make my choir director in high school drool. And his looks matched his voice. He was striking with a strong, square jaw and stand-out cheekbones. His lower lip was larger than his upper and sitting beneath a straight, flared nose. His eyes were pointed at the outer corners and a nice, dark brown and situated under slanting, thick brows. But it was his hair that gave him the "wild" title. It was threes colors. From the back, it was dark, but the further forward it went, the lighter it got, the brown, orange-like gold and platinum blonde starting underneath the jagged edges of the color before it. The style was cut to frame his face in spikes, coming to a point across the left side of his forehead. It was surprising to note after all that that he was the shortest of the group.
In the middle of the couch was Min, known to his fans by his stage name "Snow". He was the tallest of the group and the lead rapper. With a definite baritone leaning more towards a bass's range, he had a very smooth voice. Having been a model before a singer, he had a heart-shaped face that was completely symmetrical. His eyes were dark and almost sleepy looking, his cheeks high and his mouth perpetually puckered in a kiss-me fashion. He had very mature and confident looks. His hair was just as smooth as his voice; dark brown--nearly black--and straight, curving around his face nicely. He seemed like the type to play pranks, though, with his eyes sparkling they way they were.
Now, next to him (trying to disappear it looked like), was Juil, or "Jewel" (which had the same pronunciation, but made the fangirls squeal a little more). His name matched his face. He was the "jewel" in the group and obviously young. But he was yet another gorgeous example of Korean beauty. With dark auburn hair, large, full, pink lips, a soft, round chin, a nose that curved downward only slightly and upside down crescent-shaped dark eyes under short, arched brows, he could pass for a girl. His voice didn't help matters, either. It reminded me of a feather-down pillow with its soft timbre and high quality. It was a good thing he was the lead dancer, because his voice would never be loud enough to let him do anything on his own.
Lastly, packed between Juil and the arm of the couch was Song, Tammy's favorite. It was easy to see why. Though he wasn't as pretty as Min or Juil, dressed and done up the way he was made him come damn close. He had severely dark brown hair with lighter reddish highlights streaking through it. it was styled in a slanted bowl cut that should have looked ridiculous, but it definitely worked on him. His eyes were cat-like. In fact, his whole face was rather cat-like. His eyes were almond-shaped and dark, his eyebrows arching dramatically in a thick brush above them. His nose was short and flat on his oval-shaped face, his cheeks defined, and his dimpled mouth pink and kissable with a bigger bottom lip. From what I'd learned just listening to their music, he was the secondary rapper and vocal. His voice wasn't anything like his fellow members. It was raspy and low, grabbing your attention and cutting through the others. It was a dream when he sang softly, too. Made me want to drool.
Actually, if I thought about it, all of their voices were completely unique and different. How they blended so well was beyond me, but they did one hell of a good job. Their dancing wasn't too bad, either. Whoever their choreographer was deserved major recognition.
"So. . . " Song started. "Aren't you going to ask us anything?"
My brows rose. "Should I?"
They all looked at each other then Min uncrossed his arms and leaned forward. "Fans normally like to know our habits and juicy bits about our personal life when they talk to us."
"Or they want our autographs," Juil put in.
I uncrossed my legs and crossed them at the ankles, rubbing my hands on my thighs. "Well, if I want your autographs, I can look them up online. And asking questions about a stranger's personal life is just rude, so I won't be doing that, either."
Their eyes widened in shock and surprise.
"You're . . ." Juil started, then smiled. "Different."
"You don't want to ask us anything at all?" Jinho asked, a little disappointed it seemed.
I thought for a minute. "Well, I suppose there is one thing I'm curious about."
Their eyes seemed to turn all sparkly with interest. "What is it?" Shin asked curiously.
"How old are you guys?" I asked seriously. "You don't seem any older than I am."
"How old are you?" Juil asked, leaning forward.
Min elbowed him, shaking his head, but I smiled.
"Twenty," I answered.
"You're only twenty?" Shin exclaimed.
"Really?" Song and Min asked at the same time.
"Yeah," I told them. "People tell me I look a little older."
They nodded.
"I'm twenty-two," Shin told me.
"Twenty-one," Jinho said next, raising a hand.
"Nineteen," Min continued.
"I'll be eighteen in a few months," Juil said quietly.
"You're seventeen?!" I exclaimed. "Wow. I thought you were young, but not that young."
He blushed and Song took my attention off him by saying, "I'm nineteen, too."
I sat back with a thump. "Wow. I can't believe half of you are younger than I am. That never crossed my mind."
It got quiet, awkwardly so for a few minutes while they stared at me. The anticipation in the air made it easy to tell that they had questions for me. Probably because I wasn't screaming my head off or snapping pictures with my phone.
"So . . . Uh," I started. "Do you guys want to ask me anything?"
"I do," Jinho piped up, raising a hand. "Why were you just sitting there, staring at us? Didn't you enjoy the concert?"
I blinked. "Of course I did. I'm just the type to listen and enjoy the music than scream and jump and miss everything."
They all smiled at that. "Was there a favorite song that you had?" Shin asked.
"There is," I told them, "but you didn't sing it." I shrugged. "That's okay, though. You did enough onstage without adding another song to the list."
"What song?" Song asked quickly. "What song is your favorite, I mean?"
"The ballad you sing called 'Please'," I said. "It's so sad and relate-able, I just love it."
They nodded. "Good choice," Jinho said.
Min elbowed him. "That's only because you wrote it."
My brows rose. "You wrote that?"
"Song helped with the music," he said. "But the lyrics are all mine."
I shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry to hear that you've felt that way."
"You really are a weird fan," Min said, earning him a glare from Shin, but he ignored him. "First, you stare at us during our concert without cheering or anything. Second, you don't own anything with our logo on it."
"Lee Min!" Shin hissed.
"Third, you come in with a chance to meet us and don't ask any questions you couldn't find out on the Internet," he continued, ignoring Shin. "And fourth, you don't seem excited or nervous in the least to be sitting with idols."
"You're people, too, aren't you?" I said easily. "I find it unfair to treat you differently than anyone else just because your faces have shown up on billboards or you can sing. Behind all of the glamor and talent, you're regular boys with normal thoughts and desires and a basic need for acceptance. You're people with faults and hopes and dreams and disappointments and doubts. You just happened to be famous, that's all."
Their mouths were all slightly agape at that and I thought I'd put my foot in it this time, but the door opened and a big security guard stepped in, exuding power and strength.
"Time's up," he said.
I stood. "Well," I started. "It was a pleasure to meet you. My friend Tammy is going to be green with envy when I tell her I met you in person, so thanks for that, too. I'll be leaving then."
They all reached out as if to stop me, giving little exclamations of "Ah!" in random order.
"Wait a minute," Song said. He looked beyond me to the guard. "Give us a minute, okay?"
The guard nodded, but didn't leave. That made my brows rise and the members frown.
"We think-" Song started.
"You're weird," Min interrupted.
"But interesting," Jinho added quickly.
"We'd like to-" Song tried again.
"Spend more time with you," Min interrupted again, making me smile and Song make a frustrated noise.
"But we can't right now," Juil pointed out.
"Obviously," Jinho added.
Shin sighed, stepping forward. "I think we can all agree that we want to talk to you more. We can't right now because of the other fans, but would you be willing to wait in our room? We could talk after we're done here. That is, if you're not busy."
They all looked at me with equal curiosity and hope and I bit my lip. Damn, I was never good at saying "no". But they were international pop stars and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
"Um," I started. "Sure. Why not?"
Their faces broke into grins and I couldn't help the smile I returned. Who wouldn't do anything to see smiles like that?
Song turned me to face the guard, his hands on my shoulders behind me. "Jackson, take her to our suite, please. Don't let anyone stop you, okay? It's important."
The guard--Jackson, I suppose, frowned, but nodded. Abruptly, he turned on his heel and started down the hall to my left.
"I guess that's my queue," I quipped. I flashed the band a smile. "See you guys in a bit, then."
Without waiting for any reply, I headed out the door and down the hall, running a little to catch up to Jackson before he stormed down a corner. The guy was built like a brick shipyard and probably weighed just as much. It was obvious he intimidated everyone with the way people moved to the side, but he seemed like a nice guy to me.
He led me down a series of halls and past doors upon doors of rooms until we got to an elevator, which we rode to the top floor. There, he walked me down a marble, short hall, punched in a code for a set of double doors, flung them open, and shoved me inside. After a warning not to steal anything, he closed the doors and stormed away, his footsteps echoing loudly even through the suite entrance.
Well . . . This was unexpected.
I faced the room and nearly laughed at what I saw. The place wasn't exactly tidy, that was for sure. Jackets, shirts, pants and shoes were strewn over the couches, laid out on the table, bar and chairs in the gold and black living room. Suitcases were stacked in the middle of the floor and on the tile by the couches before the carpet took over. Moonlight from the giant windows and the bright, show-like lights from the room illuminated everything.
I wasn't a clean-freak to be certain, and I definitely didn't have OCD, but this room needed to be cleaned. It was just annoying as hell. Besides, I needed something to do while I waited.
I walked over to the stereo on the table running along the wall and turned it on. Just 4 U blasted from the speakers and I stared. It made sense, I supposed. They were putting on a concert.
Shaking my head, I took a deep breath and got to work picking things up. I started with the shoes, lining them up by the door's entrance way then started in on the clothes. It was easy enough to make piles of their separate shirts and pants. For one, each of their sizes were different, so that helped. Another contributing factor was the distinct difference in styles. Some of the shirts stumped me, to be sure, so I guessed, but I was satisfied I had it all right by the time I was done.
Curious about the rest of the suite, I walked down the hall to my right, opening doors to see empty guest rooms and a bathroom. Confused about where they were sleeping (because there was no way they could konk out on the couches with the way those had been), I went back to the living room and to the double doors on the left side. Grabbing the handles, I turned and pushed.
"Oh, hell," I cursed. "Don't you guys ever clean?"
Yup. This was definitely where they were sleeping. The bedroom was just about as big as the living room in a nice slate gray, the giant seven-person bed taking up the center. There were two desks in here, a TV and multiple chairs. All were strewn with more clothes (these ones a little more private), the bed was unmade, pillows here and there, as well as on the floor. I was surprised to find the adjoining bathroom was actually pretty clean and organized.
The song changed in the living room for the eighth time and I rolled up my sleeves, moving things out of the way, folding and sorting through every single piece of clothing I could get my hands on before finally making the bed. When I was done, I'd gone through four more songs and was exhausted from bending and straightening over and over again. Out of breath, I flopped back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling, satisfied.
It wasn't even ten minutes later when I realized I had started to drift off, but by then I was too far gone. The bed was so comfortable and the music from the speakers created the white noise I needed to sleep--which was exactly what I did.


They were tired, that much was obvious, but some of those fans were worth the trouble and energy to talk about.
"I think the weirdest was the man," Jinho said, shuddering as they all thought back on the overly hyper and clinging guy.
When it was just them, they reverted back to Korean and Song had to admit it was easier than his broken English. He was definitely the worst when it came to different languages. Even Juil was better than he was, heavy accent or not. He supposed singing in English helped, but there wasn't exactly an appropriate conversation to say "I love you" in, despite how often they sang it. It was nice to not have to think so much just to talk.
"What man wears pink?" Min scoffed.
"You did," Song teased. "Remember the 'Jewel' music video?"
"And Jin wore red and pink for 'Oxygen'," Shin pointed out.
"All involuntary," Min scowled, crossing his arms--the only sign he was embarrassed.
They were finally on their floor, the elevator having been rather stuffy, and they all heaved a sigh of relief to be somewhere familiar. Well, vaguely familiar, anyway.
"That girl was interesting, though," Song said as they walked down the hall, trying to sound nonchalant.
Jinho and Shin shared a smile while Min elbowed him in his side teasingly. "Someone's got a crush."
Song felt his cheeks go red. "I do not!"
"She was really pretty, though," Juil offered as Jinho punched in the key code for the door.
"Think she's still here?" Jin asked.
"Song wants her to be," Min quipped.
"It's been nearly four hours," Shin commented, ignoring him. "It would be understandable if she went home."
Song had to agree, but deep inside he quietly hoped she was still waiting inside.
"Wow," Jin exclaimed softly in English when he opened the door.
They all peeked around him to see what all the fuss was about. Nearly all their jaws hit the floor as they pushed inside, stumbling over their own tired legs.
"Oh. My. God," Jin whispered, his eyes dancing left and right. He and Min were the only ones with explosive energy after a concert this huge. Song had lost his high dealing with the fans. "She actually cleaned."
She must have, considering the hotel staff wasn't allowed in here.
"Hey," Min said, waving for them to come over to the living room table. "Look at this."
"She separated our stuff," Shin said with some obvious shock.
Juil was holding up a shirt. "She got it all right, too." He dropped the shirt, his expression worried. "Is that normal? I don't think it's normal."
Song rifled through what seemed to be his pile and was stunned to see that Juil was right. Nothing in his pile was any of the others'. "Is that all yours?" he asked Min.
"Yeah," he nodded. "That's one handy housewife you've got, Song."
Song ignored him. "And you, Jin?"
Jinho let out a whistle. "All mine. This girl is something else. How long has she been watching us, do you think?"
"You think she's another stalker fan?" Min asked sharply. He may joke a lot, but when it came to the safety of those he cared about, Min got serious quicker than anyone Song knew.
Juil shuddered and Song tried not to as well. They all remembered what had happened the last time they'd met a crazy fan. Juil was still afraid to sleep alone, which was why they shared a giant bed whenever possible.
"Hmm," Shin started, thinking. "She doesn't seem like the type to do that."
Min snickered. "Looks like you've got some competition, Song."
Song rolled his eyes, standing from where he'd been crouching over his clothes. "What competition? She's not even here." Even he could hear the irritation in his voice.
"Someone's disappointed," Jin drawled, earning himself a glare.
"Did she clean everything?" Juil asked, looking around.
"Looks like it," Shin commented as they began wandering around the large room.
"Obviously she likes our music," Jin smiled, tapping the stereo. "Left the CD player on." He clicked it off, sending the room into silence and continued to look through things--probably cataloging everything to make sure nothing was missing. It was funny, Song hadn't even noticed the music.
Song, curious and somewhat apprehensive, opened the doors to the room they all shared and felt his heart stop for two reasons. The first was because the room--like the living room--was spotless. That meant that she had seen their underwear, not to mention touched them. God, that was embarrassing as hell. The second reason was because there, on the bed, was the cause of all the cleanliness.
The nameless fan wasn't sprawled picturesque on the bedspread like in some book, but instead was curled into a ball, her knees to her chest and her hands balled into fists as if protecting her heart. Her short hair was messed like she'd been tossing and turning and her clothes were tugged this way and that, revealing skin that Song's hands itched to touch.
A low whistle of appreciation jerked Song's head to the right and then left to see the rest of his band mates and friends surrounding him in the doorway.
"Well," Min said with an appreciative smile. "There's the culprit."
Jin was staring. "She's definitely the prettiest intruder we've had so far. Room Service just gets better and better."
"She cleaned in here, too," Juil whispered loudly, tugging on Shin's sleeve. "Why did she clean in here?"
"Calm down, Juil," Shin said calmly, though it was easy to see that the fact that this girl had rifled through their underwear was bothering him, too. Song was glad to know that he wasn't alone in that. "It's just underwear."
"A girl's gonna get her hands on yours sometime," Jin teased, leaning forward to smile around Song at him. "Next time it might be while you're wearing them if you're lucky."
Juil's mouth dropped and his face went pink. Song couldn't help but smile. Juil still wasn't good with girls. Of course, neither was Song, but he was better than Juil, at least.
"Well," Min sighed, stretching his arms over his head. "I'm going to shower. I suggest you guys do, too."
Taking the hint, they all lifted the collars of their shirts and sniffed, gagging at the sweaty smell that was always there after a concert. Looks like the cologne had worn off.
"Good thing there's a shower in each bedroom," Shin said, grabbing Min's elbow as he tried to take this room's. "That means this room can stay free."
Min frowned, but obviously took the hint, letting Song breathe a sigh of relief. They all grabbed the undergarments and pajamas they would need and took the quickest, most thorough showers of their lives. When they were all back in the living room, their hair at varying degrees of wetness, they stood in silence.
"I-I still want to sleep together," Juil said, finally breaking the silence. He was rubbing his arm the way he did when he got nervous.
Shin sighed, rubbing his forehead--his own little quirk he did when he was tired and was still trying to play mom. "Alright. Looks like we're in the large room again. But--" he emphasized, pinning Min with a look. "Min's on the outside, then Jin, then Juil, the girl, Song, then me."
"No fair," Min pouted. "Why do they get to sleep next to her?"
"Because they're too shy to do anything," Shin snapped.
Min crossed his arms. "Grandpa."
"Pervert," he shot back.
Song yawned, tired. "Alright, already. Let's just go to sleep."
Ignoring Min's taunts, he led the way into the bedroom with Shin in tow close behind and, after pulling off her shoes and the belt around her waist, scooted onto the bed, picked up the nameless woman and maneuvered around as Shin pulled back the covers. He snuggled her in, surprised that her breathing stayed even, and got in next to her, his heart pounding. Juil came up on her other side and got as close to her back as he could, curling his body around hers and adding his arm to Song's around her waist. He buried his face in her neck in a classic Juil sleeping pose as Jin crawled in behind him followed by a grumbling Min. Shin waited until everyone was settled and turned out the light, climbing in behind Song and quickly falling asleep. In fact, it wasn't long before Song was listening to a room full of even breathing and he was left alone to his thoughts.
Song reached up, his heart loud in his ears, and moved a lock of hair out of her face, staring at her. He had so many questions. Who was she? He didn't even know her name. Why did she come to the concert? She didn't seem the type to listen to their kind of music. Was she another creepy stalker? Why was she so different than everyone else? She made no sense and she was so. . . stunning. It was impossible not to notice her. But she seemed quiet, reclusive almost. There was something about her he could connect with, something Song was sure no one else would understand except them. As he drifted off into an exhausted sleep, he knew that he was going to do everything he could to find out what exactly that was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright! New story. ^^ I figured that I wasn't going to sit around and go insane while my laptop is in the shop with some of my stories and the rest that are in notebooks are packed. >.< So this is what happens!! For some reason, I really like the scenario that develops from a celeb dating or falling for a common person. There's so much that can happen, so it's easy to find crap to throw their way. ^^ Let's see what pops up in this one, shall we??
If anyone can find some better breaker than the green music notes I have in the story, can you let me know?? I would like to find something in that red that's already sifting through or grey, but still fits with the story. ^^ And I might change the second half of the title. . Maybe. Not much, but a little. O.O depends on what happens. ^^
I hope you look forward to it and thanks for reading. Go check out my other stories if you like my writing style. =) I'm pretty consistent throughout my work. "New" is complete with two sequels in the works and "It's Not Goodbye; It's See You Later" is short and completed (first story I completed, actually O.O), so take a look-see and give me feedback.
COMMENT please!! <3

By the way, I always get asked, but, yes, I create ALL my layouts and take requests if you wish. =) (Fonts look different with Google Chrome than regular Internet Explorer.)