Status: Don't know when I'll update, but I'll try to keep up with it. =)

Meet the Band: Song For You

Song 2

It was hot. A little too hot even for a night in October. And the fact that something was squeezing me was enough to jolt me awake since I didn't remember wearing a corset the day before. Not that I would really remember anyway. I had the distinct inability to remember what I had done the day prior until the day after the next, unless it was something completely out of the norm. The concert and last night was definitely out of my normal schedule.
Everything came rushing back in remembered flashes and blasts of sound. But there was only the sound of even breathing now and I did my best not to jump to conclusions. Instead, I slowly opened my eyes and bit back a squeal of surprise.
Song, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open was the first thing I saw. His face was so close our noses almost touched and I had a hard time not blushing. He was way too close--and it wasn't just his face. The front of his body was plastered to the front of mine, his arm wrapped loosely around my waist while his other was cushioning his head. His hair was falling into his face and my fingers itched to push it back, but I resisted.
Looking beyond him, I saw a glimpse of a head underneath stolen blankets. It seemed Shin had a habit of taking the covers. The fact made me smile.
Thinking that I might be able to put some distance between myself and Song, I tried backing up. I stopped, however, when I met resistance in the form of another body.
More than a little shocked, I craned my neck around only to have to stop the motion when an annoyed Juil moaned and squeezed me against him, burying his face further into my neck. My nose was assaulted with the mingled smell of his shampoo and Song's natural, musky scent, but it was my shirt riding up and Juil's hands on my bare stomach that made me uncomfortable. Song's hand was also dangerously close to brushing my butt. I could feel the heat of his palm on my hip through my jeans and it made my breath hitch.
Juil wriggled closer--if that was even possible--and curled his lanky but muscular body around me more tightly, murmuring something incoherent. His hands tightened again, his fingers biting into my stomach and I winced. Was he having a nightmare?
Something wet soaked through the shoulder of my shirt and his muttering became louder and more aggressive. He began to shake his head.
"Juil?" I asked quietly, pulling out a hand to cover his over my stomach. I shook them. "Hey. Wake up, Juil."
His muttering grew louder and he became restless, kicking his legs and squeezing his arms so tight that I found it hard to breathe.
A little more than freaked out, I pulled on his hands, but he wouldn't let go. Instead, I spun in his arms to face him, earning myself a solid kick to my shins. Tears were leaking from his closed eyes and his lips were trembling in obvious fright and upset. He was spilling out words in Korean that I certainly wasn't going to understand, so I didn't even try.
Wincing as he squeezed me once again, I grabbed his face before he buried it in my chest and held him still. "Juil!" I shouted.
He bolted upright just as the others did the same, his face panicked and his breathing heavy. He looked around, obviously freaked out and I sat up as well and turned his face to me. His wide, frightened eyes instantly flipped my switch for calm, control and nurture.
"Juil," I tried in a soothing voice. "Listen to me. Everything is okay. You're all right. You're safe. Just breathe."
It was obvious that Juil had to take a moment to realize I was speaking English, but his tears stopped even if his lips still trembled. I had the sudden urge to rush out and learn Korean so that I could comfort him in his native language.
"S-Safe?" he asked, his voice shaking. "Really?"
I let my hands drop to his shoulders, rubbing them a little in comfort. I had chronic nightmares, so I knew how awful they could be and how hard it was when you woke up trying to separate dream from reality. Sometimes all you wanted was someone there with you to keep you grounded.
I smiled softly. "Yes. Safe."
Juil reached out and laid his fingertips on my face as if the only way he could convince himself I was real was to confirm it with his own hands. And then, much to my shock, he threw himself into my arms, nearly climbing into my lap, and squeezed me tight. Accustomed to the oddities of weird situations, I immediately returned the hug without hesitation. He froze for an instant then completely relaxed, letting out a loud breath.
I looked at Jinho and Min for an answer to what had caused the nightmare, but Min just shook his head sadly. Obviously, this was a private secret. That was fine by me and understandable. There were certain things strangers shouldn't know, no matter how nice they seemed.
A hand landed on my shoulder and I looked behind me to see Shin and Song, hair messed but eyes awake and alert. Song was stroking Juil's head and Shin was taking the boy's hand. Jinho and Min had added their own hands to Juil's back, rubbing back and forth in comfort. Their sense of friendship awed me.
After a few more minutes, Juil finally stopped shaking and pulled away from me, hiding his face behind his curling, disheveled hair. He fidgeted, obviously searching for something to say as he stared at his hands.
I saved him from that. "So . . . Does anyone want to explain why I woke up sharing a bed with five international pop stars?" Not that I minded so much. It was nice not sleeping alone for once.
"Juil doesn't like to sleep alone," Min said easily.
"Neither do you," Jinho teased around a yawn.
Min shrugged at him and I smiled broadly. They made me miss my brothers. And that reminded me that I needed to get home. I didn't have class today or anything, but Tammy was no doubt going to be calling--or dropping by unannounced like she always did.
I scooted towards the end of the bed, looking at the clock on the bedside table. Nine in the morning? I never woke up so early.
"Where are you going?" Jinho asked curiously as I climbed off the bed.
I tugged my clothes straight and looked around the room for my belt and shoes and phone, finding all of them on the right bedside table.
"That's easy," I answered, checking my phone for any messages. "Home. Where else?"
They all seemed about to say something, but were cut off as a fresh-looking and professional Laurel breezed into the room. Her clipboard was missing and she looked tired, but otherwise was all smiles.
"Good morning, guys," she greeted them then smiled brightly at me. "Ms. Ells. Delighted to see you again. There's a change of clothes for you in the bathroom across the hall. I had to guess at your size, but I think we're about the same, so I hope they fit."
I was grateful, to be sure, but there really was no reason to stick around. "Actually, that's not necessary. Thank you, but I think I'll just head home."
Laurel's brows rose. "Really?" she cast a glance at the band members. "The story was different last night."
I shot the boys a look. They all refused to meet my eyes. They really liked to have their way. "Was it?" I crossed my arms, my shoes dangling from my fingers as my phone strap jingled. We both stared at the now guilty-looking boys. "How different exactly?"
Laurel's smile turned mischievous. "I got a call late last night after I thought I could sleep, saying that you were spending the day with them and would need a change of clothes."
I frowned their way, raising a brow. "You know, it's kind of rude to make plans for me without asking me first."
Min and Jinho shrugged, Jinho grinning in mischief. Shin whispered in Korean in the tone of "I told you so" while Song and Juil shared a guilty look.
I sighed. Right. No help there. "What exactly were they plotting?" I asked Laurel.
She smiled teasingly. "They don't get out much and not many people recognize them here in the states, despite their rising popularity. They were probably just hoping you would show them around the city. They sneak out all the time to try and be 'normal' for a few hours. This time, they decided to tell me about it, thankfully."
"And kidnap me," I added. I watched the five boys start quietly arguing in their native language, pointing frequently in my direction and then gesturing incoherently. I sighed, more amused than anything. Who got invited out by celebs? I certainly didn't. And I really wanted to rub this in Tammy's face for ditching me last night.
"All right," I said to them. "I'll go." Immediately, the room got quiet. "I have nothing else to do anyway." Except sleep, maybe, since I didn't really need to study.
The room had frozen, all eyes turned on me, and then, suddenly, they all moved at once, clamoring to the edge of the bed.
Before they could swarm me--which I was guessing they were going to do--Laurel grabbed my arm and dragged me from the room.
She pushed me towards one of the rooms on the opposite side of the suite. "If you're going, go get ready," she called to the boys. "I want you back by ten tonight." She turned her attention back to me as she followed me into the room and shut the door behind her. "Your clothes are here on the bed. You can just walk around with them in a shopping district. Or take them to a mall. They love malls. And parks." She smiled fondly. "They're just a bunch of kids, really."
"You really love your job, don't you?" I asked.
Her smile widened. "Yup." She looked at her watch. "Well, I have to be going. There's still a lot to do before the next show."
"Didn't they just have a show?"
"They have one a week on a different day so that we can make sure everyone has a chance to see it." She rolled her eyes. "It's all about the money for the higher ups. There's nothing I can do about it. They're only staying for a month and a half, after all."
"Thank you for the clothes," I said as she turned to leave.
"No problem at all," she said easily. "Don't worry about returning them. They're from a stuck-up idol's wardrobe who never wears them same thing twice."
I was taken aback for a minute before I laughed. Serious or not, that was just great.
"It was definitely a pleasure to meet you," I said sincerely with a grin.
"Ditto." She opened the door. "Take care of them and have fun. I'm sure we'll see each other again."


I stared at them and then at my car. It really didn't matter that they all somehow managed to look like suspicious robbers--all except Shin, that is--but there was no way they could all fit into my little Saturn. But, just as I was about to voice my concerns, an out-of-breath employee came jogging up to us.
He placed a set of keys in my hand. "Ms. Thomas said that you could take the company's SUV. It's non-descript."
I stared at the keys with surprise. That woman really did think of everything. "Uh. . . Thanks. Where is the SUV?"
The man, obviously tired from trying to find us, frowned impatiently, but led us through the parking lot to the car. It was dark blue and had tinted windows, but looked like any other car, thank Heaven. I really hated drawing attention to myself and I did not want to be splashed all over the tabloids for any reason. Being famous was the least appealing thing I could think of aside from setting my hair on fire.
I thanked the man and beeped the car unlocked, popping the trunk and stopping the band before they scrambled to the doors.
"Hold it right there," I told them sternly. "I don't mind showing you guys around, but there is no way in hell I'm taking you anywhere dressed like that." I frowned at each of them. "You all look like you're getting ready to rob a bank."
"But we have to hide our faces," Juil argued around the collar of his jacket.
"We don't want to stand out," Shin agreed.
I smiled a little. "You're going to stand out anyway, but right now it's for all the wrong reasons." I rolled my eyes, gesturing to their crazy outfits. "It's eighty-eight degrees out and you guys are dressing like it's going to snow any minute."
They all shared a look, seeming somewhat embarrassed.
I squinted at them. "All right." I looked each of them up and down before briskly nodding, having made up my mind. "Juil, lose the jacket and the glasses, but keep the hat. Song, take off that ridiculous parka and face mask. Jinho, your hair stands out even more with the beanie, so take that off along with the scarf. Min, choose the vest or the shirt, not both. You look stupid with it wrapped around your waist like that--weren't you a former model? And Shin. . . you look okay, but nobody really wears sweaters hanging over their shoulders like that." As they all grumpily and gradually turned back into normal humans again, I felt satisfied. "Okay. Throw it all in the trunk and get in."
They all hesitated as I turned to make my way to the driver's side of the car. I stopped and turned to face them, worried at their uneasy expressions. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Are you sure we not stand out this way?" Song asked in broken English.
"I told you," I answered. "You're going to stand out anyway. You're Asian, for one, Jinho's hair is insane, for another, and you're all gorgeous. However, no that you're just in jeans and t-shirts, really, people will more than likely think you're tourists."
Without waiting for a reply, I climbed into the car and shit the door, sticking the key in the ignition and starting the engine. It purred like a kitten and I sighed in bliss. My Saturn had over 20,000 miles on it and the shifter stuck sometimes. It was nice to be in an automatic that was silent on the inside. I still really loved my Saturn, though, no matter how nice the SUV was. I was missing it already, leather seats or not.
Shin climbed into the passenger seat while Jinho clamored into the far back along with Min. Juil and Song took the middle with surprising ease and we were suddenly ready to go. For some reason, I had expected them to fight over who sat where, but I guess they were more excited about what was next than anything.
I had been thinking about it all through my shower and all while we made our way through the parking lot, and I'd decided the strip was the best place to take them. It was Thursday, so the whole street was blocked odd for the weekly shopping day. No cars could drive there and shops lining the street were open late. Vendors set up carts or laid out their blankets off goods and there was live music as well as outdoor restaurants. It was perfect and would keep us entertained for a few hours, I hoped. After all, they ad some pretty odd shops around that area.
And I almost immediately regretted the decision.
No sooner had I parked and told them to get out, than they had nearly disappeared, each trying to go in their own direction.
"Hold it," I ordered, grabbing Juil and Jinho by the collars before they could escaped. "We are staying together, got it? There is definitely enough time to visit all the shops here at least twice, so just breathe." I let them go, trying not to smile at their pointing expressions. "If we do get separated, just head back to the car, okay?"
"How about exchanging phone numbers?" Jinho asked eagerly, his eyes lighting. Min seemed almost equally interested in the idea and I snorted in response, digging my cell from my pocket by its large and obnoxious strap of bells.
"I hate to admit it, but that's a good idea," I agreed.
After a few confusing minutes of exchanging long-distance numbers, and replaced my cell in my pocket and let out an explosive breath, stretching my hands about my head. Man, I really wanted to crack my back.
"Alright!" I exclaimed, smiling. "Let's go have some fun."


"I still want to have some fun," Juil whined a little as we all piled back into the van. Funny thing about the kid, he had completely opened up after an hour or so and wasn't at all how he appeared when we first met. Though he was still reserved on some of his comments due to our culture differences, I had found that he was a sarcastic and playful, ordinary teenager--not that I really expected him to be otherwise, but he was also a little oblivious of his effect on people. I think. Of course, it could just be because I refused to believe that his angelic smile was hiding darker intentions.
Min, on the other hand, didn't hide anything. Neither did Jinho, but while Jinho was just honest and wanted to have fun, Min was purposefully mischievous. He was a flirt, a little too charming for his own good, and seemed to like using his looks to get his way. In comparison, Jinho was a natural, flashing wide, bright smiles as he energetically bounced all over the place like a little kid, dragging Juil and Song along for the ride. Shin, on the other hand, was quieter and cared a little too much about the way people saw him. It was easy to see that he wanted to let loose like the others, but he didn't. However, he became severely enthusiastic and his insatiable curiosity caused him to bring me random items to ask what they did or were for. It was mainly his fault that we left four hours later with our hands full of bags, though Song had definitely contributed to his fair share. I had never seen a boy so obsessed with clothes before. He'd nearly bought a store's worth!
I glanced at my cell for the time as they forced the trunk closed and frowned. Though it had taken a lot longer to cover all the stores and have lunch, it was still only three o'clock we had seven hours to kill yet. What else could we do?
Just then, my phone decided to ring, blasting a ring tone to a popular game series. I glanced at the screen and grinned. Perfect.
"You guys want to meet my best friend?" I asked. "She's the reason I got hooked on your music, but she missed the concert 'cause her brother got sick."
Min shut the side door, shrugging. "I'm game."
"Let's go!" Jinho exclaimed.
Song nodded on a blush. He really didn't talk much.
"Okay!" Juil smiled enthusiastically.
I glanced at Shine for approval and he smiled warmly. Smiling myself, I slid my phone open and couldn't help my excitement as I started the car to get the air going.
"Hey, Tammy," I said into the receiver. "How's Danny?"
"He's right as sunshine, the jerk," she grumbled with an obvious mixture of relief and annoyance. "I completely missed the concert for nothing. Which is why I'm calling. You never called me last night or sent any pictures. What happened? Was it awesome?"
Pictures . . . . Well, I had tons of pictures now. I hated them, but the boys had grabbed me at random moments to take snapshots of us together with their digital cameras. They'd even crammed together with me for one on my cell--which was currently my background thanks to the finagling of Jinho and Juil's puppy eyes.
"Well. . ." I started, glancing at the group eagerly listening to my conversation. "I've definitely got a lot to tell you. Mind if I come over?"
I heard a clatter of cups and Danny's panicked voice carried over, "She wants to come over? Now?"
I rolled my eyes. Danny was so weird. "Of course not now. Tell that idiot brother of yours that I'll be there in an hour." I paused. "With friends. That okay?"
"You know any friend of yours is a friend of mine," Tammy said easily. "And an hour is great. It'll give me time to clean a little. Danny trashed the place again."
I blinked in shock. "In one night?"
Tammy sighed like a martyr. "You're forgetting he's an idiot."
"Right. Too true."
"I heard that!" Danny's embarrassed protest filtered through.
I smiled broadly. "An hour, then. See you, Tammy."
"Yup, yup!" she said. "I look forward to prying all the juicy bits of last night out of you. Love you!"
She hung up and I smirked, putting my phone away and finally putting the car in drive to pull into the street. Tammy was going to hit the roof when she saw my surprise. Either that, or it was going to be the floor when she fainted from shock.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yaaaaay! Second chapter. I've already started on the next chapter, but I don't know when I'll be able to update. School takes up a lot of time.
Anyway! I love my characters. ^^ I think Juil is my favorite so far. Jinho, too. But to be honest, I'm particular partial to my girls. Their personalities are all sections of me cut up, really, so if you mushed them all into one person, you'd have me! (Except for the pretty bit. .O.O)
I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Please, please, PLEASE comment. I really enjoy knowing what you're thinking. Don't be afraid to ask questions, too! I LOVE questions. ^^