Who Would Have Thought?

Chapter 1

"Guys, wake up. We're going to Colorado."

That’s what Roxy and Kelsey woke up to. Despite being sprawled in my living room, and re-watching the Dallas vs. Colorado game, we ended up going to bed around two. I severely doubted the 8 am wake-up call was doing any good.

“Go back to bed, Lauren. We watched the game last night, and the game doesn’t start until 7 anyways. We can catch it on Versus.” Roxy groaned, flopping over on her pillow, drawing the blanket up over her head. I shook my head slowly.

“We can catch it in person. The plane leaves soon, so get up. Don’t you want to see your little Mattie?” I grinned, as she peeked out from underneath her blanket.

“They are playing in Denver though. That’s practically a day’s drive.”

“We’re flying. I just called my friend’s mom, and since she works with the actual American Airlines company, we got round-trip tickets. I just owe her a few tickets next season. Get up. Plane leaves soon. Don’t you want to catch practice?” I crossed my arms. Kelsey , her hair splayed out around her, began to stir from the mumble of voices.

Roxy blinked, obviously trying to take it all in. She sat up, and I reached for one of the glasses of water I had brought with me, and handed it to her. “When does the flight leave?”

“Dallas’ flight leaves in one hour, and ours leaves in four. We need to be there early. I hate the airport; the security people always give me shit about my ID, and that takes an hour.”

“Stop screaming!” Kelsey tossed a pillow in my direction, in which I snatched it up, and threw it lightly towards Roxy, yet missing entirely.

“What about tickets?”

“Taken care of.”


“Don’t worry about it.”

Roxy looked at me weird, before slipping to her feet. “Kelsey, we need to wake up.”

“It’s true. You can sleep on the flight.” I shrugged, as my phone began vibrating again. I slid it out of my front pocket, and clicked the open button to the message. Have them wear their Avs jerseys. Or shirts. I don’t remember which they were wearing.

I typed my response, earning a weird look from Roxy, before putting the device away. I stepped over Kelsey’s arms, and grabbed the blanket, yanking it off of her.“Up. Get dressed. Get your bearings about you, and let’s go. We leave in an hour. Who knows how bad traffic is, and it’s storming. Pack your Avs stuff in your backpack. Bring a jacket. Do your thing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, up, this is obviously going to be over 3 chapters. I'm not that good. :) After reading Roxy's beautiful story, I got really inspired, and decided to write her story, adding on to it.

Roxy, if you don't like this, let me know, and I'll delete it :P