Who Would Have Thought?

Chapter 2

We were waiting in line to be admitted to the Pepsi Center, while enjoying the breeze, when my phone decided to go off. “Lauren?”

I looked to Kelsey, who pointed at my pocket. I pulled the phone out, before answering and holding it next to my ear. “Hey.” Roxy turned around, joined by Kelsey, as they watched me talk on the device.
“No, we haven’t gotten in yet. They just started admitting people.” The two girls in front of me shared a look with each other, before the three of us scooted up a little bit in the line. “Yeah, we found it alright. Now which way do we go?”

There was another pause, as I listened to the person on the other side of the phone. “How long after? Do I need my ID?” I sighed, listening to the rest of my instructions. “I’ll take care of it. Um, hold on..” I looked to my companions, before stepping a few feet away. “Good luck.” I muttered, before sliding the cell shut.

“Who was that?” Roxy questioned, as we moved up farther into the line, only a few people away now.

“My mother.” I glanced at Kelsey, before shrugging and handing the ticket usher our Stars vs. Avalanche tickets to scan.

“Enjoy the game, Ladies!” He smiled cheerfully, as we stepped through the doors into the empty arena. A few of the people already in the building looked at my Dallas shirt, oddly enough, yet Kelsey and Roxy looked like they had lived in Denver all their life, their Stastny and Duchene shirts boldly displayed.

I looked to my left, down the long walkway to see an arrow and elevator, one that I was instructed to take. “Come on, dingleberries.” I made my way, weaving through the media people, who was the vast majority of the crowd this early, towards the enclosing that held the contraption. Pushing the down arrow, I looked to see both of my friends slowly making their way in my general direction, shaking each other like crazy, and pointing to the different Avalanche signs that covered the hallway.

The empty door opened, and I walked in, pressing the door open button. “Come on!” They shuffled in, babbling away about Mattie this and Mattie that. I felt my phone vibrate, and I pulled it out again, in front of my face. Just checking on you. Make it in alright?

I smiled, before typing away a response, and closing the blackberry. Those fake tickets weren’t very nice.

“Where are we going, Lauren?” I sighed, looking at a now-calm Roxanne.

“Down.” She grinned, looking at Kelsey who mirrored her excitement. “Remind me to tie to you the Bruins’ locker room door one day, Kelsey.”


“This is the visitor’s locker room, Lauren. What are we doing here?” I slapped myself in the face lightly, before knocking. “It’s clear!” Reached our ears, as my two companions exchanged worried glances. “Uh, Lauren?”

I pushed the door open slightly, and stuck my head in to see Adam and Kari in their stalls. “Hey!” Adam grinned, before replying, and standing up.

“Ima get a shower ahead of time. Need to wake up.” He grabbed his stuff off the shelf, and went through a door unknown to me. I looked back at the Finn, who was still looking at me.

“Good luck tonight.” He laughed, shaking his head at my words, and motioned for me to come in. I looked back to Roxy and Kelsey, who had apparently spotted a few of the Avalanche players walking by. I stepped into the room to face Kari. “Don’t laugh at me!”

He stood, a good several inches taller than me, and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. I shuddered again, similar to the night before when he had done the same thing. Needless to say, I couldn’t resist putting it as my facebook picture. Worst mistake of my life. My mother demanded to know who he was, and all this other stuff. It was pretty amusing.

I slid my around around his waist in a half-hug. “Now, I told Matt that you guys were coming. You didn’t tell them, did you?” I shook my head, as his smile grew bigger. Roxy’s voice could be heard through the other side of the door. “Don’t keep them waiting. I texted your phone the directions to get there, so use them if you get lost. Come down after the game?”

“We’ll be alright.” I grinned, pulling away and heading to the door. “I’d love to come down. Good luck, alright? I know you’ll do amazing.” He nodded in response, his smile unwavering.

“Two more games.”

“Two more games, Kari.”


“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I giggled, as Roxy began to inhale and exhale slowly. Kelsey was rubbing her forehead, as I pushed the door open slightly.

“Lauren! Kari mentioned you’d becoming by! I hear you brought us something!” I couldn’t help but let out a laugh at Stoa, pushing the door open and hugging the much-taller man, who had just taken his suit jacket off.

“It’s true. Know where I can find your dear Duchene?” He smirked, looking behind me at my companions, who shuffled in behind me. I let go, as he pointed to the corner behind us, where Mr. Duchene himself sat, suit jacket hanging on a hanger, and his hands pushed through his dark hair.

“Thanks. Good luck tonight.”

He gave me a quick hug, waving to Roxy and Kelsey, before returning to his area. I turned to Roxy, grabbing her hand, and pulled her up to in front of Matt. “Matt.”

He looked up, bright eyes sparkling in the light. “You’re Kari’s friend, right?” I smiled, nodding, before allowing him to continue. He looked at Kelsey, to me, and then to Roxy. I grinned. “I saw you guys last night. How’d you like the game?”

I looked to Roxy. “Yes, Roxy, how did you like the game?” She squeaked, her face starting to blush.

“Where are my manners? My name’s Matt. Yours is Roxy?” He held his hand out to her, in which she slid her hand hesitantly into his grasp. “It’s a beautiful name.”
♠ ♠ ♠
D; Ahh, holy crap, not how I wanted to end. Next part tomorrow after school!