Status: Active-ish?

Protect My Heart

I'm haunted by the same dream

“Dude, what’s up with Teag? Is she like sick or something?” Liam asked, glancing over at John, his other best friend. “She’s been awfully quiet the whole time.”

The brunette boy could only shrug in reply. “I think so,” John said, getting up from his seat. “Excuse me for a bit, I’m just gonna go check on her and see if she’s okay.” The couple nodded and watched as John made his way to the direction Teagan stormed off to.

John anxiously headed towards the women’s washroom because he felt that if anyone was supposed to check in on her, it should be him. He knew Teagan better than anyone did, and he probably even knew her better than she knew herself. In the nine years he, Liam and Teagan were best friends, she always came to him when she had problems, whether they were big or small. She always told him what was on her mind or what was bothering her, and he would gladly listen to what she had to say.

He knocked on the door. “Teag?” he called out. “Teagan?” he tried again. She didn’t reply, but he could hear muffled sobs coming from the other side of the wooden barrier separating the two of them. “Open the door, Teag.”

“Go away, John,” she said. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“Teag, can you just please open the door?” John tried

“I told you to go away John! I’m fine!” Teagan snapped

“Well you seriously don’t sound like you’re fine to me!” John said, slowly getting impatient

“Jesus Christ, JohnO, what part of GO AWAY do you not understand?!”

John rolled his eyes in frustration “Teagan, I swear to God, if you don’t open this fucking door, I will-”

Before the boy could even finish his sentence, the door opened revealing a very bloodshot-eyed Teagan with smeared make up.

His heart sank at the sight in front of him

“There, are you happy now?” Teagan asked wiping the tears that were rolling down on her cheek with the back of her hand.

“Oh Teag…” John stepped forward and engulfed the petite girl in a hug before kissing the top of her head.

The girl wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face on his chest “I just- I don’t – Ohgod, John.” Teagan sobbed, soaking his shirt with her tears

“Shh,” John cooed “It’s gonna be alright, Teag.”
“I know thi-this was bound to happen s-soon, j-just, why- why now?”

John didn’t know what to tell the girl in his arms. All he could do at that moment was tighten his grip around her body and kiss the top of her head repeatedly as she continued to sob into his chest. They stood like that for a moment, the washroom door closed behind them, no words exchanged between the two of them.

“I’m really sorry, Tee.” John said, finally breaking the silence.

“I just c-can’t believe it. I-it’s all happening too fast,” her sobs finally subsiding to a few hiccupped tears “A-and, it h-hurts so m-much, John. It hurts so much.”

He sighed, his heart slowly breaking for the girl he loved “I know, baby. I wish I could do something to make you stop hurting.”

John really wished he could do something. It pained him to see the girl he loved the most in tears. But what could he possibly do? Tell Liam that he’s making a mistake? That there’s somebody else that loves him more than Natalie does? Of course he didn’t have the heart to do that, he was his best friend too and he knew Liam was happy with Natalie, otherwise they wouldn’t be together for almost 4 years now.

Teagan stood there wrapped in John’s arms. She tried to be strong but the events from earlier kept on replaying in her mind even though she didn’t want it to and this only made her cry more. She was taken aback from tonight’s events. Outside was the boy she loved ever since they we’re seventeen and now he’s getting married. Teagan didn’t know what to think anymore.
“I can’t go back out there anymore, JohnO.” Teagan sniffled.

“Obviously, you look like shit.” John joked, attempting to make her smile but she only glared at him “I was joking, jeez. Do you want to go home?”

“Please.” She said quietly, resting her head on his chest once again

“Alright,” He kissed the top of her head “I’ll go back and say good bye to them first.”

“Alright, I-I’ll head to the car.”

“Here, you might want to wipe off the smeared make up first. And take my jacket.” John handed her a handkerchief before slipping off his jacket and handing it to Teagan

“Thanks, John.” She gave him a small smile

“Anything for you, baby. I’m going back to the table. I’ll meet you in the car in a minute.” He said before making sure no one was outside and left the women’s washroom.

Teagan let out a heavy sigh before slipping her arms into the sleeves of John’s jacket and heading for the washroom sink. She looked at herself in the mirror and turned on the sink before wiping off the smeared make up on her face.

Outside, John made his way back to the table where Liam and Natalie were seated; he found the couple eating silently. Liam noticed John making his way to their table and looked up

“Is she okay?” Liam asked

“Yeah, she’s uh- she’s just not feeling well. She has a migraine.” John informed the couple

“Poor thing,” Natalie sighed, “Where is she?”
“Oh yeah, about that, uh—”

“Look, dude, it’s totally fine. Just take Teag home before something else bad happens.” Liam cut John

“I’m really sorry about having to cut this dinner short, man. I promise we’ll make it up to you guys next time.” John apologized

Liam smiled at his best friend “Don’t worry about it. Just make sure Teagan’s alright.”

“Will do. I guess, I’ll see you guys next time,” John said “Oh, and congratulations again. Teagan and I are really happy for you guys.”

“Thanks man, it means a lot. And we’ll see you around.” Liam said

“And tell Teagan to get well soon!” Natalie piped up

“I will do. Good night guys.” John said before walking away from the table and walking out to the parking lot, thinking about how he’s supposed to pick back up the pieces and fix the girl he loved the most.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm screwed

I don't know where this is heading

Well I do have it planned out on my mind, i just don't know if it will work out.

I might edit this and repost it though.

But anyway, comment and subscribe.
