When Bandit Found Frerard

When Bandit found Frerard.

Cherry, Lily and myself where all sitting in the lounge watching Hannah Montana (Not my choice, I'd rather be watching Batman or a horror movie!) Dad had looked at me and noticed I wasn't liking it. I suffered it 'cause the twins wanted too watch it. Dad suddenly got out of HIS chair and told us he was going too the store. He'd also told me not to go up an into the attic, yeah right, not going to happen. I'm going intho that atti. I have one more box too snoop through!
After dad left I said to the twins that I was going up to the attic, they tried aruging with me and telling me that I wasn't too go up there. I wont that argument by blackmailing them, they weren't gonna grass on me!

*Up in the attic*
Hmmm.. where is this box, It's the only box I haven't snooped in. "OW,FUCK! What was that?!" I stubbed my toe on somethin. Oh guess what, it was the box I was looking for. It was marked " OLD MCR DAYS" well it cant be that bad, I've been through "OLD MSI DAYS" so MCR days can't be that bad!
I sat down and opened the box, it was full of pictures, just pictures, oh and a couple of texts files. I pulled out a photo and looked carefully, it was of Dad and Uncle Frank, they were kissing wait, no, they were snogging and this was on stage! how come MCR fans knew about them and I didn't? Huh, I kept snooping, there was very few of just the band, but most of them were just Dad and Uncle Frank. I found another one of them, Uncle Frank was almost, or no sorry was licking Dad's, eww no, that's just wrong! Urgh, I'm glad I didnt know about this. I picked up the text file and it was marked Frerard, 'kay I'm not gonna read that. I'm gonna go downstairs now.
I took the photo's and ran downstairs, Please tell me this isn't real, please, please tell me! I heard the car pull up, so I looked out the window, Dad's home. I ran into my room and hid the photos, I'll confront him once the twins have gone home. Maybe I shouldn't, cause it'll prove I've been in the attic. What to do. Once dad was in the house, he said that it's time for the twins to go home and that I was too come with them. I called shotgun. God, I loved Dad's car, small yellow lamburgini, naiiice!

*An hour and a half later*

We're back home, had dinner and just watching some decent T.V., Batman!! OH LORDY YES!!!! I was sitting down in Dad's chair, as he was cuddled up too Mom, they were cuddling and had the occaisional kiss, how could she kiss him? Did she know about Frerard? These questions keep swimming around my head, I was fiddling and moving around nervously. Mom spotted me and asked what was wrong, so I dropped the bomb about Frerard and that I was in the attic. I also added that the twins didn't know, and it wasn't my place too tell them anyway. Dad's expression was mixed, anger, disappointment, fear. I knoew anger was because I went up and into the attic when i shouldn't have.
*Half an hour later*
Dad had phoned Frank and told him that I knew about Frerard. He begged Dad not to tell the twins as he wasn't ready himself. I agree with that, the twins don't need too know about Frerard.

* 2 hours later in my room*
Well I'm grounded for a month and a half, no phone, no internet, I'm only just aloud my iPod and Comic Books. Oh well, I walked into it. They also said, that if my behaviour improves I might get off with this whole grounding thing a little easier. Oh well its almost midnight so I'd best get too sleep, Night!!